Are ‘The Cubs of the Caliphate’ Headed for America’s Classrooms?

347Originally posted at American Thinker.

President Obama defends the right of American women to abort their children and thus far has refused to denounce Planned Parenthood using “less crunchy” techniques to harvest baby body parts to help pay for Lamborghinis.  And yet, approximately 7,000 miles away, members of the Islamic State would rather not abort their sons and daughters.  No, instead ISIS chooses to raise up an army of lethal combatants its members refer to as “Cubs of the Caliphate.”

In a video recently released by ISIS’s media wing in Iraq entitled “The Cubs of Dijla,” young members of the caliphate army dressed in military fatigues recite verses from the Quran.  Boys as young as three years old look directly into the camera and issue fair warning to the Islamic state’s enemies that pint-sized death and destruction are headed their way.

One cherub-faced little one asks the question: “Where are the martyrs?  Where are the suicide attackers?”  Then the same lad, who should be playing soccer, not shooting rifles, before firing a gun that’s taller than he is, says, “Give me my weapon.”

While America disarms our military and our complacent president all but ignores five soldiers being gunned down by an terrorist here in the U.S., the approximately 10-minute propaganda clip released by ISIS features young cubs training with rifles and sitting in a classroom being indoctrinated with sharia law.

ISIS is shrewd, and undoubtedly determined to get suicide bombers into the U.S.  Therefore, in addition to learning AK-47 marksmanship, how to pack a sandwich-sized bomb into a Ninja Turtle backpack, and how to decapitate with a plastic picnic knife, there’s a good chance the cherubic cubs being trained in Syria and Iraq – who could easily double for Central American refugees – are also learning how to speak Spanish.

Talk about schooling!

Back home in America, besides implicitly supporting the abortion of children and the harvest of baby body parts, having his arm twisted for a whole week before finally lowering the flag at the White House in honor of the five soldiers murdered in a terrorist attack, ignoring illegal felons shooting bystanders in the back with stolen guns, and tweeting kudos to Caitlyn Jenner, Barack Obama is doubling down on throwing the door wide open for the young ISIS cubs depicted in the video to practice what they learn in school right here in America.

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, between October 2014 and March 2015, 15,647 unaccompanied children attempted to enter the country illegally.  Last summer, more than 30,000 unaccompanied children were processed out of federal facilities and into the United States to live with sponsors, many of whom are illegal, too.  Thousands of little angelic-looking boys and girls came to America as refugees, not all of whom were Spanish-speaking.

Many of these mini-migrants were then placed into classrooms with our children all around the nation.

All ISIS would have to do is transport an adorable Cub of Dijla to the U.S.-Mexican border.  Little Abisali can then cross over into the arms of an Islamic extremist sponsor who may or may not be legal, and with the help of the same administration that is fine with aborting 4,000 babies a day, Abisali will end up in a classroom sitting next to Dylan and Cheyenne.

Either that, or after learning how to speak Spanish, Abisali could just pretend to be a refugee named Guillermo from Guatemala.

Whichever – as the school year commences, besides worrying about the threat of Latin-American-imported Enterovirus D-68 paralyzing dozens and causing more fatalities, as chilling a thought as it might be, with the help of the Obama administration, American children could be getting a public-school education with a child soldier/aspiring suicide-bomber who is hell-bent on entering paradise a martyr.

Over in Dijla, Iraq, school-age children are being groomed to shoot, behead, and, as long as they take a few infidels with them, blow themselves up for Allah.  Meanwhile, here in America, our president is practically begging for ISIS to export their adorable Allah-obsessed kiddies.  And after these loveable little jihadis meander over the southern border into our classrooms, American youngsters who somehow managed to evade having their aborted livers sold by Planned Parenthood will now be at risk for schoolyard executions carried out by their new playmates.

So the next time Barack Obama uses the words “children” and “urgent humanitarian situation” in the same sentence, keep in mind that, among the hordes he’s beckoning over the border, there could be a few “Cubs of the Caliphate,” who, after beheading Syrian soldiers, managed to master Spanish.

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