MEGYN KELLY: Uses Sexuality When Convenient, Yet BITCHES About ‘Sexual Predators’

Originally posted at CLASH Daily. In 2008, Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly began showing up regularly on Special Report with Brit Hume, Kelly’s Court and Weekend Live. From there, Megyn moved up to hosting All American New Year specials, sharing legal insights with Bill O’Reilly, and co-hosting America’s Newsroom and …

The DNC wall to guard Hillary’s Armani jacket collection

Originally posted at American Thinker. Before the first-historic-female-to-run-for-president-while-under-federal-investigation was against border security, Hillary Clinton was for it.  In 2006, the former first lady even called for “physical barriers … secure borders … tougher employer sanctions,” and deportation for illegals who have “committed transgression.” Recently, Hillary evolved, and all that changed.  Now, the …

The President’s Water-Guzzling Golf and Other Grifter Activities

Originally posted at The Clash Daily After discussing the urgency of drought conditions in California, in a move that could be likened to hosting a televised banquet where Obama and his friends frolic in giant vats of caviar after promoting food rationing to famished people, the president went golfing on …

‘Better Homes’ and a Shake Shack Burger

Originally posted at BIG Journalism Americans are notorious for pointing out hypocrisy, especially when a religious preacher falls into sin.  Who can forget televangelist Jimmy Swaggart being caught frequenting prostitutes after crying, sermonizing and calling fire down from heaven to consume the adulterous.   After Swaggart confessed his infidelity, secular America …

State of the Union Smoking Seminar

Watching Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address was like attending an anti-smoking seminar led by a spokesperson that takes intermittent smoke breaks. Obama chided, corrected and set out moral commands—none of which the President adheres to himself. If followed in logical succession, the contradictions embodied in the State …

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