DISGUSTING: From Planned Parenthood To Kathy Griffin — Are Decapitated Heads Now Fodder for Jokes?

Originally posted at CLASH Daily. Could it be that all the beheading ISIS does is merely the group’s attempt to inject laughter into a dour world? To prove that point, recently, on a three-minute Center for Medical Progress video, a Planned Parenthood of Michigan medical director flippantly said that pro-choice …

Can We Solve the Muslim Terrorist Problem with Jewelry Design Jobs for ISIS?

Originally posted at CLASH Daily. America is well aware that ISIS, if not in our midst already, is on the way. When the Islamic radicals arrive, the group plans to infiltrate our malls, schools, and houses of worship. Yet the president doesn’t seem worried. As the refugee crisis heats up …

Is it Time to ‘Refresh the Tree of Liberty?’

Originally posted at American Thinker. Thomas Jefferson was aware that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Now, by doling out what little is left of America’s wealth to foreign interlopers, those that fit into the tyrant category are shaking the …

Obama Says Climate Change Contributes Terrorism…But What About THIS?

Originally posted at CLASH Daily. Barack Obama has definitively stated that he is of the opinion that climate change contributes to terrorism. But thus far, what the president has failed to address is whether the cause and effect relationship between climate change and terrorism works both ways And who better …

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