Michelle Obama’s Not-Quite-Right Fundraising Story


Originally posted at The Clash Daily

Hopping aboard a taxpayer-funded airplane, Mrs. Obama recently scooted out to California to work the fundraising circuit. Michelle dropped in at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco for a DNCC women’s luncheon where she urged big-money donors to “dig deep” and “max out.”

The main purpose of Michelle’s trip was to raise money to finance the 2014 mid-term elections so that those who share Obama’s twisted anti-American values can help the president drive the final nail in America’s coffin. According to the first lady, Obama wants to lift up the middle class and restore opportunity to those who, since he was elected, have lost all hope for the future.

Michelle seems convinced that Americans “working 40 or 50 hours a week” who are now “stuck in poverty” can count on those who caused the mess to fix it.

During her stem-winder Michelle brought up the usual “there but for the grace of God go I” baloney that neither she nor Barack actually believe. She also stressed that “Our young daughters are counting on us to fight for their rights and freedoms,” which is code for abortion rights.

The first lady promoted the American Dream that, thanks to her husband, is fast becoming a socialistic nightmare, and applauded the ACA, which seriously hurts the five million Americans who lost their health insurance if they should receive a “terrible diagnosis” or have a “horrible accident.”

Michelle conveyed visual examples of Americans “falling off a cliff” and going without “food and medicine or a roof over [their] heads,” all situations that have intensified while Obama’s been playing president for the last five years.

To advance the liberal agenda, Michelle implored, “there is something that all of you can do right now… you can write a check…  And if you’ve written one… write another one…  Write a big old check.  Write the biggest check that you can possibly write.”

Then, Michelle goaded donors to “Leave San Francisco. Leave this bastion. Go out into the wilderness” – door-to-door and solicit the “bitter clinger” vote.

But amidst all the usual fundraising hogwash, what stood out the most were the glaring contradictions concerning how to achieve success in America.

How can a Princeton/Harvard-educated woman jet hither and yon, for free, on a jet paid for by the American taxpayer, beg for handouts from the rich to further “social justice” and then say, “[w]e don’t believe in handouts.  We don’t believe that anyone should get a free ride”?

Then, to convince donors to contribute money to elect liberals she believes will give the less-privileged a “fair shot,” Michelle Obama tells her own “working-class kid from the South Side of Chicago” hard-luck story of growing up in a family that wasn’t rich.

If her story is true, it was her father’s hard work, a stable family life, and personal determination that helped Michelle Obama eventually graduate law school. That means regardless of her circumstances, the first lady’s accomplishments had nothing to do with government giving her a “fair shot.” In reality, Michelle is where she is today because she was a “kid with … big dreams,” a measure of individual resolve, and responsible parents.

Yet Mrs. Obama continues to promote the lie that government central can impart something to America’s children that bureaucratic bolstering has proven it does not have the power to do. In fact, Michelle is so committed to perpetuating that falsehood that she didn’t tell just one hardscrabble story, she told two!

Next, she shared the plight of Troy Simon, a young man with a troubled childhood from “a struggling family in New Orleans.” At 14 years of age, “Troy still couldn’t read.  Troy couldn’t write.  Troy couldn’t even count very well.”

According to Michelle, Troy “got to work…buckled down at school,” caught up, applied to college, and is now a sophomore at Bard College majoring in American Literature. In other words, Troy Simon turned his life without government prodding, handouts and free rides.

At some point Troy decided that he wanted to succeed, and went about it without Joan Baez singing at a tony San Francisco hotel or Michelle Obama telling rich people to cough up another huge check. That’s why someone should politely inform Mrs. Obama – who indicts America by implying there is a lack of opportunity whenever she says, “Not in America. That’s not who we are” – that Troy Simon’s achievement is exactly who America is.

Clearly, Michelle does not recognize the confusion caused by pushing the nanny state using gutter-to-glory stories of personal triumph. Nonetheless, she continues to say, “I can’t help but think how their story could be my story.  But I also remember that my story can be their story if we give these kids a chance.”

Whether Michelle Obama realizes it or not, Troy Simon’s story is her story. That’s why, the next time the first lady is out fundraising, hard work, self-determination, and the wisdom to avail oneself of America’s unparalleled opportunity is the story she ought to be sharing.


During her stem-winder Michelle brought up the usual “there but for the grace of God go I” baloney that neither she nor Barack actually believe. She also stressed that “Our young daughters are counting on us to fight for their rights and freedoms,” which is code for abortion rights.

The first lady promoted the American Dream that, thanks to her husband, is fast becoming a socialistic nightmare, and applauded the ACA, which seriously hurts the five million Americans who lost their health insurance if they should receive a “terrible diagnosis” or have a “horrible accident.”

Michelle conveyed visual examples of Americans “falling off a cliff” and going without “food and medicine or a roof over [their] heads,” all situations that have intensified while Obama’s been playing president for the last five years.

To advance the liberal agenda, Michelle implored, “there is something that all of you can do right now… you can write a check…  And if you’ve written one… write another one…  Write a big old check.  Write the biggest check that you can possibly write.”

Then, Michelle goaded donors to “Leave San Francisco. Leave this bastion. Go out into the wilderness” – door-to-door and solicit the “bitter clinger” vote.

But amidst all the usual fundraising hogwash, what stood out the most were the glaring contradictions concerning how to achieve success in America.

How can a Princeton/Harvard-educated woman jet hither and yon, for free, on a jet paid for by the American taxpayer, beg for handouts from the rich to further “social justice” and then say, “[w]e don’t believe in handouts.  We don’t believe that anyone should get a free ride”?

Then, to convince donors to contribute money to elect liberals she believes will give the less-privileged a “fair shot,” Michelle Obama tells her own “working-class kid from the South Side of Chicago” hard-luck story of growing up in a family that wasn’t rich.

If her story is true, it was her father’s hard work, a stable family life, and personal determination that helped Michelle Obama eventually graduate law school. That means regardless of her circumstances, the first lady’s accomplishments had nothing to do with government giving her a “fair shot.” In reality, Michelle is where she is today because she was a “kid with … big dreams,” a measure of individual resolve, and responsible parents.

Yet Mrs. Obama continues to promote the lie that government central can impart something to America’s children that bureaucratic bolstering has proven it does not have the power to do. In fact, Michelle is so committed to perpetuating that falsehood that she didn’t tell just one hardscrabble story, she told two!

Next, she shared the plight of Troy Simon, a young man with a troubled childhood from “a struggling family in New Orleans.” At 14 years of age, “Troy still couldn’t read.  Troy couldn’t write.  Troy couldn’t even count very well.”

According to Michelle, Troy “got to work…buckled down at school,” caught up, applied to college, and is now a sophomore at Bard College majoring in American Literature. In other words, Troy Simon turned his life without government prodding, handouts and free rides.

At some point Troy decided that he wanted to succeed, and went about it without Joan Baez singing at a tony San Francisco hotel or Michelle Obama telling rich people to cough up another huge check. That’s why someone should politely inform Mrs. Obama – who indicts America by implying there is a lack of opportunity whenever she says, “Not in America. That’s not who we are” – that Troy Simon’s achievement is exactly who America is.

Clearly, Michelle does not recognize the confusion caused by pushing the nanny state using gutter-to-glory stories of personal triumph. Nonetheless, she continues to say, “I can’t help but think how their story could be my story.  But I also remember that my story can be their story if we give these kids a chance.”

Whether Michelle Obama realizes it or not, Troy Simon’s story is her story. That’s why, the next time the first lady is out fundraising, hard work, self-determination, and the wisdom to avail oneself of America’s unparalleled opportunity is the story she ought to be sharing.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2014/02/michelle-obamas-quite-right-fundraising-story/#QdyLvaL6jmQPiTOc.99


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