Just Wondering: Did America Let Barack Obama Suck Her Toes?

yuckOriginally posted at The Clash Daily

A lot of people believed Barack Obama when he predicted that his presidency would slow the rise of the oceans and begin to heal the planet. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

Are some Americans really that gullible?

After campaigning in “57 states,” thanks to those same gullible people, Obama managed to make it all the way to the White House.

Here we are six years later, and since America still hasn’t seen his college transcripts, next Obama may claim that before he went to law school he was a podiatry student.  After which he’ll recommend something absurd like leveling the playing field via toe-sucking, and voilà, those that still take him at his word will be convinced that fairness is furthered through toe-sucking.

Anyone who thinks a scenario like this is impossible, think again – it’s possible.

A similar thing happened in Lincolnton, North Carolina at a local middle-class Walmart. A black man clad in a sweater and tan pants pretended to be a podiatry student and pulled a “Barack Obama” on a 35-year-old woman minding her own business while shopping for a pair of cheap plastic shoes.

According to police, the toe enthusiast started a friendly chat with the victim and managed to “talk [her] into trying on several pair of shoes in the shoe department. At one point the suspect took the victim’s foot, put it into his mouth and sucked her toes.”

What would have happened if the man doing the sucking masqueraded as a proctologist, a gynecologist, or perhaps a breast surgeon? Would the compliant woman have found herself in a far worse situation than having to yank her moist toes out of the maw of a guy pretending to be a foot professional?

Either way, isn’t that similar to what Mr. Obama has done to America?

Barry Soetoro snuck up on us when we least expected it and struck up a friendly conversation, pretended to care about all of America’s concerns, and got a lot of easily-swayed people to believe he was something he was not.

Both the toe stalker and the president came out of nowhere, conversed with strangers, and somehow managed to sweet-talk the unsuspecting into buying and trying on for size what they proposed would look good on their prey. Then they came in for the kill.

Granted, unlike the North Carolina podiatry quack the president isn’t a “toe-sucker” per se, but based on the way he was able to dupe such a large portion of the country, if toe-sucking was part of his platform, those who voted him in would probably have thought that was a brilliant idea.

Just like the lady in Walmart, America finally noticed that Obama has been promoting himself as a political genius. Although innocent – as far as we know – of having a foot fetish, there’s no denying that America is trapped in the aisle of life with a president who continues to put his large foot in his own mouth, and has also been very successful at sucking the living daylights out of everyone else.

In this case, Barack Obama convinced America he’s a healthcare expert rather than a podiatry student. He presented an array of ideas that sounded too good to be true, but instead of questioning him, many believed him and tried on what he suggested we buy. We may not have let him grab our foot and put our toes in his mouth, but we certainly did bend all the way over and smile as he proceeded to perform a painful prostate exam on our economy, social culture, job market, and health care system.

So, the next time a story comes out about a pervert conning an unsuspecting shopper into letting him slurp on her brightly colored digits, remember that toes do not fall into mouths; the victim was present when the toe-sucker placed them there. For however long it took to get from the floor to his lips, the shoe shopper cooperated.

Then remember that that’s precisely the reason Barack Obama is in the White House. A deceitful fraud didn’t just fall from the sky and land at the desk in the Oval Office – he was put there by a disturbingly large portion of the same type of Americans who would let a fake podiatry student suck their toes.


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