MR. PRESIDENT, HOW ABOUT GIVING SOME BACK? America’s #GimmeFive Questions for Obama

Originally posted at CLASH

America has endured over five years of pure mayhem that has resulted in a national health crisis that has systematically caused politically-induced high blood pressure and heart failure.

Despite suffering from a cancerous condition that is currently eating away at the very fabric of our great nation, we have a first lady who ignores the obvious illnesses her husband has both literally and figuratively inflicted on otherwise strong Americans. Instead, Michelle Obama chooses to focus on superficial hashtag campaigns that are supposed to encourage a level of health in a nation being slowly poisoned by her liberal husband’s progressive policies.

Not to be disrespectful, but Michelle’s #GimmeFive hashtag effort has about as much influence on the Obama-inflicted poor health of America as a Band-Aid would have on Dana Carvey’s SNL character Massive Head Wound Harry.

Think of it! Here you have a president standing beside his wife in a PSA where she asks tapped-out Americans to #GimmeFive. This from a man who refuses to acknowledge the religious affiliation of Islamic terrorists who remove, at a minimum, five heads a day!

If Barack Obama were looking for five of something, surely ISIS would love to participate in the first lady’s campaign. But the five contributions ISIS would ‘gimme’ to Obama would have nothing to do with planting gardens, dance class, or fruits and vegetables. Instead, on behalf of #GimmeFive, ISIS would deliver five heads an hour to an ever-growing pile of bodiless corpses.

For the rest of us poor schmucks who for the time being still have our heads, #GimmeFive has the potential to take on a whole different meaning.

In fact, if Americans were on the receiving end instead of the #GimmeFive end of the campaign, Barack Obama giving us five of something we need to benefit our health would probably do more for corporate vigor than Michelle Obama demanding that we all Drink Up! five bottled waters a day.

After all, for five-plus years, Barack Obama has been saying #gimme #gimme #gimme to us, and what he hasn’t been able to Constitutionally #gimme, he’s seized anyway.

That’s why, perhaps it’s time America demands Obama extend some of the #GimmeFive he’s selling in our direction.

For starters, how about we demand Obama #GimmeFive fewer tax dollars taken for every $50 in all of our paychecks, or maybe it’s time we ask why #GimmeFive Obama tweeted that 11.4 million people were enrolled in Obamacare when the millions, give-or-take, were more like five.

Then, after the #GimmeFive advocate gets done explaining some of that stuff to us, maybe he can help us improve our national health and mental wellbeing by giving us five good reasons why, despite negotiating with Iran, two Americans – one a pastor and the other a US Marine – whose total years incarcerated add up to more than five, are still rotting in an Iranian jail.

How about Obama explaining to America why, after five years of empty promises, our border remains open, and millions upon millions of dangerous illegals, sick unaccompanied illegal minors, and terrorist types of every stripe continue to sneak in and threaten the safety and wellbeing of our citizens?

And about the unemployment rate, why say that it’s down to 5.6% knowing full well that it’s more like double that?

Can Obama #GimmeFive valid reasons for any of that?

How about five justifications as to why, for the last five years, he’s turned his back on Israel, or here at home increased the national debt by 53%? How about answering the question as to why his #gimme wife goes on approximately five $5 million #gimme taxpayer-funded vacations a year, or why five dangerous Taliban fighters were swapped for one pusillanimous Army deserter?

What about the five specific times your #GimmeFive administration attempted and failed to circumvent the law?

As for the #GimmeFive proposal, here’s another question that needs to be answered: why do Obama and Michelle lunch at Five Guys while government-funded school lunches consist of five grapes, five pieces of dried-out melba toast and five ounces of warm skim milk?

So if Michelle Obama and her husband Barack want to focus on health, maybe they can begin the process by offering a few #GimmeFive answers to some of America’s most gut-wrenching, health-eroding questions.


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