Cash-4-Cadavers: What’s So Shocking about Selling Baby Parts?

2100f9d5f60818095f8a73dcdfa89305fdeeb1d1b84d0aa8545bba74a6ec6be3_largeOriginally posted at American Thinker.

When it comes to ghoulish zeal, Dr. Hannibal Lecter has nothing on Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Deborah Nucatola, except for maybe a few fava beans to accompany his talk of consuming a man’s liver. Whether or not the red wine Dr. Nucatola swigged with her salad was a nice Chianti remains unknown.  A morsel of information that should give pause to Obamacare fans is the realization that the esteemed doctor is also the senior director of medical services at Barack Obama’s favorite taxpayer-funded women’s health clinic/death factory, Planned Parenthood.

Recently, Dr. Nucatola caused quite a stir after being caught on an undercover video nonchalantly stuffing her gullet with crunchy croutons and swilling red wine while discussing crushed bones and baby body parts with two people she mistakenly thought were representatives from a biologics company.

Quite frankly, while talk of forceps-positioning, ultrasound guidance, and preservation of pancreas tissue isn’t exactly appetizing and can be disturbing to mere laypersons, for those of us who expect nothing less from baby murderers, the most surprising thing about the whole Nucatola body-parts disclosure is the fact that some people seem shocked. In a secular society where right and wrong are based on personal beliefs, who’s to say that selling fetal tissue is wrong or immoral?

Therefore, all things considered — including moral relativism — the most surprising part of the Cash-4-Cadavers controversy is that ordinary people who are generally unfazed by 4,000 babies a day being brutally slaughtered are suddenly horrorstruck that babies, after being dismembered with America’s approval, have had their hearts and livers sold for a price.

Isn’t being appalled by an abortion mill selling baby parts for profit sort of like being terrified when realizing Leatherface of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre wears human skin as a facemask, or being shaken up by the story of Ilse Koch, the notorious “Beast of Buchenwald,” making lampshades out of tattooed skin?

What’s clear is that those upset by the recent Planned Parenthood revelations are much more comfortable when the remains of aborted humans are quietly packed into red biohazard bags and shipped off to the crematorium for sanitary out-of-sight, out-of-mind disposal.

What has upset the public so much is Dr. Nucatola’s dispassionate visual of what is actually scraped into those biohazard bags.  So for those who are technically on the side of reproductive rights, the thought of selling bits and pieces of what’s customarily thrown away just seems wrong.

If truth were to be told, based on Dr. Nucatola’s description, Planned Parenthood is just a spiffier version of the notorious Kermit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic in Philadelphia.  Women’s Medical is where unintentionally born-alive babies, rather than being left to die a slow, agonizing death, were put out of their misery by having their spinal cords snipped with dirty scissors.

Granted, Planned Parenthood has sexier slogans, more famous advocates, nicer scrubs, more sterile stirrups, and better post-abortion snacks.  Not only that, but before being sentenced to life in prison, Kermit stored his victims in the freezer or tried to stuff their broken bodies down the toilet.  Rather than take the creepy Jeffrey Dahmer/Kermit Gosnell route, glamorous Barack Obama pals Cecile Richardson and her unapologetic bunch, under the pretense of benevolent tissue donation for medical research, choose instead to sell babies aborted at 20 weeks gestation.

For pragmatists who expect nothing more or less from baby killers, Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts isn’t shocking at all; it’s merely a murder-for-money capitalistic venture that is neither regulated nor demonized by Barack ‘You didn’t build that’ Obama.

Moreover, Barack Obama supporting a business that sells human flesh is also not a big shocker.

Lest we forget, this is a president more upset by CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett asking him how he could celebrate his nuke deal when four Americans are still rotting in an Iranian jail than he is by an innocent American being shot in the back by a five-times deported illegal alien or an organization he supports making Josef Mengele look like Mehmet Oz.

In fact, this may be news to the likes of right-to-choose activists like Barack Obama, Lena Dunham, Scarlett Johansson, and the star-studded “I had an abortion” mob, but Planned Parenthood harvesting and peddling the tissue of dead babies is no different than ISIS trying to sell Western journalist James Foley’s headless body for a million dollars, Uganda sacrificing children at the behest of witchdoctors, or China allocating the organs of death-row prisoners.

Yet, notwithstanding those and many other similarities, there are still die-hard pro-choice advocates who, in response to Dr. Nucatola’s revelations, seem more offended by the manner in which the truth was revealed than they are disgusted by the actual truth that was revealed.  Nonetheless, in the wake of the baby-parts-for-profit disclosure, America should expect to see these deluded individuals double down on defining child sacrifice and tissue and organ trafficking as necessary to ensure women health.

But for the moment, there continues to be widespread public shock over Dr. Nucatola’s remarks.

In response one can’t help but wonder: What exactly do most Americans think goes on in an abortion clinic when two living entities enter the facility and only one emerges? Do Americans view selling dismembered dead babies as worse than dissecting them while they’re still alive? And why, after abortion has been acceptable to America for 40+ years, are so many people disturbed by what happens to the legal victims of terminated pregnancies after they’re killed?

Meanwhile, as outraged as Americans are in reaction to the horror that’s been laid bare, the blood of 60 million baby lambs being silently slaughtered for convenience stains the hands of a nation whose sin is the same as those who watched the smoke rising from the chimneys at Auschwitz while professing not to know what was going on inside.

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