The ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America’s Neighborhoods

Venezuela_housing300_867126080Originally posted at American Thinker.

America is now learning that on the painful road to ‘fundamental transformation,’ Barack Obama has plans to diversify suburbia. The president’s suburban justice plan is one where HUD tracks the racial and religious composition of American neighborhoods and then, doing away with the choice of established populations, makes changes to reflect Barack Obama’s vision for a fairer, more equitable nation.

The policy that accomplishes this progressive goal is aptly dubbed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH). A 2013 FOX News article titled “Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods” claims that in conjunction with the federal government HUD will remake neighborhoods using data gathered from a “discrimination database.”

In turn, “zoning laws, housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to alleviate alleged discrimination and segregation” will be determined by government decree.

The progressive utopian assumption must be that people become smarter or richer based on where they live. Simply put, rather than respect the theory of social evolution, liberals continue to blame zip codes for the economic demise of those they imagine would otherwise be the fittest. Thus, to solve shared problems that have nothing to do with geography, the Obama transformation team is moving forward with the plan to usher low-income people into the midst of middle- and higher-income classes.

That’s why, as part of the liberal quest to establish heaven on earth, every American will be forced to live in a neighborhood designed by government totalitarians. Meanwhile, those who “spread the despair” around will continue to peacefully dwell in exclusive enclaves paid for with wealth they’ve pilfered from the pockets of those whose lives they’ve made miserable.

And here’s how it will happen: the federal government will track neighborhoods according to race, class, and ethnicity. Then, the feds will descend, rezone the area, and proceed to transform American suburbs into the equivalent of Venezuela. The hope is that flooding established communities with lower-income people that represent the racial, religious, and economic makeup of the government’s choosing will result in the ultimate exorcism of injustice.

Sound impossible? According to an article in the Seattle Times titled “Get rid of single-family zoning? These conversations shouldn’t be secret“, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s advisory committee on housing’s co-chair drafted a letter that said this “We can still be a city for everyone, but only if we give up our outdated ideal of every family living in their own home on a 5,000 square foot lot.”

Can anyone say eminent domain?

For those who still don’t get it, this is not about hardworking black and Latino Americans buying and moving into white neighborhoods where they are welcome to live as free citizens, this is about the government socially engineering what they perceive to be WASP neighborhoods with a deluge of third-world types and refugees from Muslim countries who, once here, open bodegas and build mosques.

And if that’s not disturbing enough, after the complexion, religion and language of a neighborhood has been altered to the government’s liking, according to the 64-page White House Task Force (emphasis on force) on New Americans April 2015 “Strengthening Communities by Welcoming All Residents: A Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant and Refugee Integration” prospectus, Barack Obama has plans to safeguard against the residents balking. To make sure “newcomers” are greeted in a friendly manner, Obama’s blueprint proposes the imposition of “Welcoming Communities.”

Question: How does government strong-arm a community to be welcoming?

At any rate, Obama maintains that if an unauthorized, unsanctioned hardworking but undocumented person has a family and wants to stay in America, instead of an ‘illegal,’ he or she should be characterized as a “new American.” For those of us presently having our neighborhoods overrun with undocumented intruders, that excuse is sort of like saying if a home invader has a family and empties the dishwasher and runs the vacuum after raiding the jewelry drawer, homeowners should view home invasion in a positive light.

Meanwhile Barack Obama has a double-spiked fence encircling his residence.

Either way, the president’s goal is to “further strengthen the federal government’s integration efforts by making them more strategic and deliberate.” That step requires “[e]nergetic AmeriCorps VISTA members” be dispatched into American communities to “implement local integration plans.”

For those who are unfamiliar with AmeriCorps, they are the domestic equivalent of the Peace Corps. AmeriCorps members are recruited and supported by the federal government and AmeriCorps is defined as a “civil society program.” The government determines what a ‘civil society’ is and then ObamaCorps, er… I mean AmeriCorps troops are enlisted to enforce liberal diktats under the guise of community service.

Then there’s AmeriCorps VISTA. Rest assured that if poverty-fighting AmeriCorps VISTA is being asked to report in, poverty is coming to middle class neighborhoods and according to Obama’s transformative federal plan, economic destitution is about to be equitably allocated.

And if brown-shirt and patent leather-booted community organizers marching lockstep through American suburbs weren’t enough to chill your block party beer keg to the core, in addition to guaranteeing that newcomers have preferential access to housing, healthcare and education, arbiters of the civil society will also serve as Refugee Job Developers whose business will be to advance “immigrant-focused career-pathways programs.

In an environment where 92 million Americans are currently out of the labor force, AmeriCorps responsibilities will include “identifying and partnering with local employers willing to hire newly arrived refugees with limited English skills.”

Translation: the federal government’s goons have been given the mission to ensure that low-skilled newcomers be given employment opportunity preference over citizens whose blood, sweat, and tears built this soon-to-be-remade nation.

Then, as an added bonus, after the communities are fully organized, AmeriCorps will spend time installing government-funded “community solar” panels, which, among other things, will use taxpayer monies to save the planet while providing clean solar power to renters or others with limited financial means.

And so Obama’s remodeling of America is progressing along nicely. Illegal aliens, who swarm over the border like ants at a picnic have been granted the kinder, gentler moniker “new Americans” and based on the makeup of long-established communities HUD is currently indicting neighborhoods for bias.  In addition, plans are also being made to bus into the suburbs cultures and peoples who have already declared that they have no plans to assimilate.

After that, the only hurdle left is seeing the day when illegal “new Americans,” like a modern-day Ruby Bridges, are escorted around town by community organizers/solar panel installers who, on behalf of President Obama, will be also charged with the job to coerce the conquered receiving community to be more welcoming.

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