Glitterati Getting Ready to Roll Out Obamacare

Slide11-300x88Originally posted at The Blacksphere

Anyone with half a brain realizes that Barack Obama’s policies can’t stand on their own merit.

That’s why, in order to convince Americans to accept what they deplore, our immature star-struck president must once again recruit the glitterati to arm-twist the easily-convinced American public into agreeing with him.

Now, fully aware that 49% of the American public rejects his spiffed-up, Cuban-style, healthcare reform, the president is signing on a posse of airheads to tell America what they should think.  The problem is that not a one of Hollywood’s celebrity class will need Obamacare because all of them, much like the president, can afford to pay for their own health care with the gazillions of dollars they make doing mindless things like acting, singing, and chasing around balls.

Television sitcoms have already agreed to ramp up the propaganda by writing Obamacare into scripts.  Not only that, but even now, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is on the propaganda circuit and announced that she’s hoping to convince the NFL and NBA to help promote Obamacare.

Yeah, but come on people, isn’t it pathetic that Barack Obama feels better about himself when washed-up, menopausal sleazeballs like Madonna validate his liberal agenda?  What’s even more annoying is that he expects everyone else to abandon their discernment and agree with what they intrinsically disagree with, just because Sarah Jessica Parker and Spike Lee say they should.

So with celebrity coercion in mind, the White House is preparing for the Obamacare rollout by enlisting people who probably couldn’t put together a coherent sentence if it wasn’t printed on a script, set to music, or scrolling by on a Teleprompter.

Clinton White House veteran and president of Global Philanthropy Group, Trevor Neilson, is currently in push-Obamacare talks with the White House.  Neilson’s GPG website says, “Bono once said, the world is more malleable than you think and it’s waiting for you to hammer it into shape.’ We agree.”

That’s why Mr. Neilson and his clients are “looking at ways to be involved” in helping Barack Obama hammer that final nail into the coffin of America’s once-superior health care system.

The question is: Why hammer the world into shape by forcing the unwilling to do what they wholeheartedly reject?

Regardless of the answer, Neilson represents geniuses like ‘border security brain-storming expert’/Obama 2012 campaign co-chair Eva Longoria and crooner John Legend.  Mr. Neilson believes that the “White House is very wise to identify partners to help market the Affordable Care Act,” and who better than a Desperate Housewife who makes chunky guacamole?

According to the eager Mr. Neilson, “Just like any good product, when people are aware of the many benefits it provides, there will be increased demand.”  The problem is that the product isn’t good and a majority of people is already aware of Obamacare’s non-benefits, and while there is increased demand, it’s an increased demand to repeal it.

So regardless of how many Hollywood liberals Obama enlists to convince us that Obamacare is a wonderful thing, unless Scarlett Johansson, out of heartfelt belief in the quality of the Obamacare product, willingly relinquishes her Cadillac policy and signs on to an Affordable Care Act health exchange, it would be best if she and her liberal friends continue playing make-believe with something besides our lives.

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