This Year’s Margaret Sanger Award Goes to Nancy Pelosi

sanger-toomanyabortedOriginally posted at American Thinker.

Any woman willing to call late-term abortion “sacred ground” and make false accusations that the opposing political party voting for the Protect Life Act would leave pregnant women “dying on the floor” deserves an award named after someone as demonically-inspired as eugenicist Margaret Sanger, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is that woman.

Pelosi is scheduled to deliver remarks at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s “Stronger Together” Annual Gala in Washington DC Thursday.  The PPFA gala is where abortion activists gather annually over fruit salad and popovers to celebrate the right to dispose of living human beings. 

According to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, “in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career,” Nancy Pelosi will be given the Margaret Sanger Award, which Planned Parenthood considers its “highest honor.”

Cecile Richards, who defines baby-killing as healthcare, is the woman who, during a recent interview with Jorge Ramos on the Fusion TV Network, expressed the opinion that the question of when life begins is not relevant to the abortion debate. 

What an honor this will be for Nancy to be recognized as the latest heroine of the abortion mill that slaughtered 327,166 human beings in 2012 alone, and whose annual recognition represents the ideals and values of Margaret Sanger, a self-proclaimed feminist who was ahead of her time as she attempted to contribute to humanity through fostering racial hatred and genocide. 

A committed socialist, Margaret Sanger once said, “My own personal feelings drew me toward the individualist, anarchist philosophy…but it seemed necessary to approach the idea by way of Socialism.”  Sanger said:

This is the great day of social planning. We have come to believe in planning the production and distribution of goods. We plan methods of governing cities, states, and the nation. We plan jobs, and leisure-time activities, and vacations. We plan almost everything, big and little, except families. It can scarcely do any harm and it may do a vast amount of good to engage in thoughtful, planning of our population, a population with a still larger percentage of happy families.

Sound familiar?

An active worker for the Socialist Party, Sanger believed “the more radical the ideas the more conservative you must be in your dress.” Think: community organizer Barack Obama, who, per Saul Alinsky, “dresses his crusades in vestments of morality,” and Nancy Pelosi, who lobbies for abortion rights and then receives communion at St. Vincent de Paul’s in San Francisco.

As a practicing Catholic, Nancy can step right up with pride and accept accolades in the form of an award with a woman’s name on it whose view of the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception was that church doctrine “…enforces subjugation by turning [a] woman into a mere incubator.”

For Margaret Sanger, eugenics was an avenue to improve the human race by discouraging people with genetic defects or undesirable traits, blacks, immigrants and poor people, whom she called “human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning…human beings who never should have been born.”

Now wait just a minute! Does it matter that this year’s Margaret Sanger Award winner is all for granting amnesty to “human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning…human beings who never should have been born?”

Another irony is that Italian-American Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, who believes deporting illegal immigrants is “just wrong,” had grandparents named Maria and Tommaso who immigrated to America from Italy. If Margaret Sanger had had her eugenic way with Maria Foppiani-Petronilla, Mrs. Pelosi wouldn’t be here, let alone receiving an award.

In February 1919 in The Birth Control Review, the prolific Sanger published an article entitledBirth Control and Racial Betterment.” That means, besides Nancy Pelosi, there’s another politician who supports improving the human race through free birth control and an abortion clinic on every corner: our very own mixed-race President Barack Obama, who would probably also be amongst those of the black race Margaret Sanger deemed unfit to be born.

In 1934, Sanger wrote an article entitled “America Needs a Code for Babies: Plea for Equal Distribution of Births.” Mrs. Sanger’s ‘baby code’ said that people with “bad genes,” or dysgenic groups, should be given a choice between sterilization and segregation.  Those who willingly chose sterilization would be rewarded for contributing to a superior race.

In Article 6, Sanger suggested issuing parenthood permits that would be valid for no more than one birth.

One birth! Paul Pelosi subjugated this year’s Margaret Sanger Award winner into agreeing to gestate five children in her incubator.  Then poor Nancy passed through the “vale of death alone” and gave birth to five of Paul’s children without a single Margaret Sanger parenthood permission slip. For those five reasons alone, Nancy Pelosi should be disqualified from receiving any praise from Planned Parenthood. 

Despite being lionized by socialist liberals, Margaret “every child a wanted child” Sanger’s legacy is one of murder, racism, revulsion for the handicapped, intrinsic disgust for the male gender, and a form of twisted radicalism that viewed God-ordained marriage and the miracle of life with contempt.

Sanger met her maker in 1966. At 82 years of age, history’s most famous female eugenicist went the way of the most famous male eugenicist, and all the innocent babies she lobbied to eliminate before her. 

Yet the diabolical activities that she lived and died and ultimately had to answer for have continued to this day, to the extent that almost half a century later the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi view it as a compliment to receive a Planned Parenthood prize in memory of a so-called birth control pioneer.

Margaret Sanger’s pathetic life was committed to curing what she viewed as the “urgent problem” of how to “limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.” Nancy Pelosi accepting an award associated with the vile woman who inspired Planned Parenthood confirms, at least in this particular case, that mental deficiency really does impact society in a negative way.

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