A Bright Future of Quilting with Nancy Pelosi

628x471Originally posted at American Thinker. blog

Nancy Pelosi should go back to her plastic surgeon and ask him to loosen the skin ponytail on the top of her head, because it’s impacting her already-compromised ability to think straight.

Recently, Mrs. Pelosi was shilling for the left on Obama debate-savior Candy Crowley’s “State of the Union” show on CNN. Ms. ‘I saved Obama’ Crowley felt moved to read a letter to Pelosi signed by James Hoffa Jr., of Teamster hoodlum fame. The letter from Mr. Hoffa the Younger, General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, rightly describes Obamacare’s impact as a way to “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week.”

This is the same Jimmy Hoffa Jr. who, before the Affordable Care Act became law, ardently lobbied on its behalf. Jimmy may still not know where his father is buried, but what he has figured out is this:

The law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. The impact is two-fold: fewer hours means less pay while also losing our current health benefits.

Duh! Clearly, somewhere along the line Jimmy Jr. pulled his head out of the wet cement.

Nonetheless, Nancy Pelosi appeared indifferent to Crowley’s contention that that level of criticism from Hoffa and letter co-signers Joseph Hansen, International President of the UFCW, and D. Taylor, President of UNITE-HERE, is “pretty tough” coming from a “loyal Democratic constituency.”

Mrs. Pelosi, who, by the way, is worth $58 million, didn’t disagree with Hoffa et al. Nor did she say that the 40-hour work week will be preserved. Instead, Nancy quickly touched upon the president’s limitations and mentioned that other options are being worked on.

Then, the House Minority Leader with the $10K Tahitian pearls and badly-Botoxed brow seemed to imply that losing a full-time job presents an opportunity for people with no money, no health insurance, and no future to “pursue …happiness [and] follow… passion.”

In other words, in lieu of working to support their families, destitute Americans, many currently in danger of foreclosure, now have a unique opportunity to break out that dusty piccolo, search the attic for that old easel and watercolors, or fulfill a lifelong dream of learning to quilt.

“Overwhelmingly, for the American people, this is liberation,” said Nancy, with her usual brilliant insight, “It’s about wellness, it’s about prevention, and it’s about a healthy America.”

Liberation from what — employment? Liberation from financial stability and a secure future? What in the world is this woman talking about?

Wellness? Where is “wellness,” exactly, if millions of Americans are unemployed, stressed out, and on the verge of despair?

As for prevention, the only thing being prevented here is large swathes of people being gainfully employed in full-time jobs. What’s not being prevented is loss of healthcare benefits, doctor shortages, hospitals and healthcare businesses shutting down, and pharmaceutical companies no longer having the funding to research new drugs.

And in Nancy Pelosi’s feeble mind, that equation adds up to a “healthy America?”

Although Nancy wouldn’t need an Obamacare referral because, being a political elitist, she’s exempt from the liberation, wellness, prevention, and health the rest of the nation is about to be punished with, she really does still need to pay her doctor a visit.

And when she gets there, Nancy should beseech the physician, for the wellbeing of the rest of America, to loosen that skin ponytail hiding under her perfectly coifed hair in hopes of restoring some blood circulation to that addled brain.


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