Empujelo! Push # 1 for Timoteo Kaine (Tim Kaine) in Spanish.

ThemOriginally posted at Clash Daily

If Americans think “Push #1 for English” is infuriating, or listening to El Bloombito, aka Miguel Bloomberg, follow up all his press conference remarks with “Let me summarize our announcement today for our Spanish speaking New Yorkers” after which el se rompe en (he breaks into) poorly-spoken Spanish, now a US Senator from Virginia has felt moved to ratchet up the drama by delivering a pro-amnesty speech in – you guessed it – Español.

That’s right. Senator Timoteo Kaine (Tim Kaine) , a Democrat from Virginia, felt he could drive home the necessity to pass the immigration bill by reminding the chamber that there are millions of Spanish-speaking people living in the US who simply refuse to assimilate or learn the language and are trying desperately to make English a Second Language for Americans who speak English as a First Language.

Senator Kaine, who defines himself as a “gringo,” opened his trilling, er, I mean thrilling remarks by saying, “El senado ha comenzado un debate histórico sobre una reforma migratoria comprensiva.” This means “The Senate has started an historic debate about comprehensive immigration reform.”

After spouting off in Español for the remainder of his speech, former Governor/current Senator Kaine promised that an English translation would be placed into the Congressional Record for the peons who refuse to accommodate all the illegals who live and work in America by learning to speak Spanish.

Mr. Kaine is bi-lingual because before he became pro-choice and endorsed Barack Obama, while he was still in law school and pro-life, he traveled with the Jesuits to Honduras on a Catholic missionary outreach. Wonder whether Mr. Kaine’s liberalism and support of our socialist/Marxist president is rooted in Jesuit Liberation Theology?

Nonetheless, it was in Honduras where Señor Kaine learned to speak the native language of the Honduran people. Which begs the question: If Timoteo learned Spanish in Honduras, why doesn’t he encourage Hondurans to learn to speak English in America?

Either way, the goal of the Spanish Senate Speech stunt was for a guy born in Minnesota, raised in Kansas City, and now Senator of Virginia to illustrate how accepting he is of being invaded by illegals from Spanish-speaking countries and to prove the “growing power of Spanish-language” trespassers in the U.S.

Moreover, to speak another language on the floor of the Senate “requires unanimous consent” of other senators, which Mr. Kaine sought and was granted. Whether Timoteo bribed the senators with tamales for lunch is unclear.

Whether tamales were involved or not, it’s easy to imagine all the liberal senators being totally trilled, I mean thrilled with Kaine’s Español Show. And then there’s the always politically-correct Republican arm of the Senate that includes: Susana Collins of Maine, Juan McCain of Arizona, Liza Murkowski of Alaska, Decano Heller of Nevada, Marcos Kirk of Illinois, and Lindsey Graham of Carolina del Sur, who probably jumped to their feet and applauded wildly for comments none of them understood.

Kaine said he hopes other Spanish-speaking senators plan to argue in support of immigration this way. Kaine said, “I’m going to cross my fingers that some of the other senators with language fluency might pop up and do the same thing.”

Great idea! In the end, as amnesty that’s being served up as immigration reform is forced down the throats of the American people, the possibilities to drive home the Spanish theme are limitless.

In fact, a nice touch would be for Timoteo to request Mayor El Bloombito don a sombrero and be flown in as a Spanish-speaking guest speaker to address before the United States Senate the dificultador language challenges of illegal immigrants presently squatting illegally in New York City.

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