1,200 Days Left to Destroy America

imagesjOriginally posted at The Blacksphere

Speaking at an Organizing for America (OFA) Summit at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington DC, Barack Obama lamented that like sand through an hourglass, he’s “got a little over 1200 days left in office.”

From Barack Obama’s perspective, all he has is a small window of opportunity to finish what he started, which is to “fundamentally transform” America into an even bigger mess than it is now after the first 1,700 days (give or take) that America has barely survived.

Preaching to the faithful people who worked hard to ensure his reelection, Obama’s words were met with amusement when he said, “I always remind people, [that] I’ve run my last campaign. Michelle is not sorry about it.”

Well hallelujah, and why not? In 1,200 days the poor woman will finally get to cash in the ‘Get out of Jail’ card she has had gripped in her hand the whole time she’s been languishing in “prison.”

As for the rest of us, based on Barack Obama’s most recent 41% job approval rating, there’s a goodly portion of the American people who aren’t sorry about it either, and when he leaves it will be like getting out of prison for us, too.

But in the meantime, the president is committed.

Reassuring the equally committed OFA gathering, Obama said:

I’ve got a little over 1,200 days left in office. I am going to spend every waking minute of every one of those days [when not golfing or vacationing] thinking [is that even possible?] about and then acting upon [sweet Jesus have mercy] any good ideas out there that are going to help ordinary Americans succeed [like they’ve succeeded during the first four-plus years?], that are going to make sure that the next generation [plus 30 million illegal immigrants] believes in the American Dream [which is now the American nightmare thanks to the DREAM Act] because they’ve seen it [who–where?] in their own lives [if they’ve managed to survive Obamacare].

The president vowed: “That’s how I’m going to spend my time. I hope that’s how you’re going to spend your time.” The president’s words were met with approving applause from those who would jump to their feet with a rousing ovation even if Barack Obama happened to pass gas on an open mic.

He might as well have passed gas. Because Obama told the enthralled group, dedicated to organizing America into a progressive calamity, that if they spend their time as he is going to spend his time, he can “guarantee” that they, together with him, “will continue to make progress and … deliver on everything” that both he and they “talked about in 2008 and 2012.”

Sorry, but applause or no applause, the “deliver on everything” line was what moved the comments from mildly disturbing to downright chilling.

Obama ended by thanking the group, saying, “Thank you very much, OFA. I love you guys. Keep it up! Keep it up! (Applause) Are you still fired up?”

In drone-like unison, the fired-up throng of obsessed organizers responded, “Fired up!”

At least in that group, no one seems to care that the long-lost American Dream, thanks to Barack Obama, is beginning to look a lot like Detroit, Michigan.

So there you have it! The president expressed grief over the short time he has left to move America “FORWARD,” not just to the edge of the cliff, but over it, causing it to careen straight down to the bottom of the ravine.

Then, pointing to a ticking clock, Obama managed to further rally the OFA minions to assist him over the next 3.3 years by providing him with things to think about and act upon, and helping him fully deliver the American nightmare to the next generation.

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