Eye-Crossing: Liberal Logic and Helping the Oppressed via Abortion

abortionOriginally posted at The Clash Daily

At a militant Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) demonstration held in New York City recently, scowling women in combat boots who believe in armed conflict stood on soapboxes rallying against patriarchy. Their battle cry: “Abortion on Demand without Apology.” The twisted premise of the rally was that women should be vindicated if they kill unborn babies (without apology), including female babies, which, in turn, would somehow liberate the gentle sex from oppressive males.

Similarly, when it comes to health care, liberals applaud beneficence, unless it’s bestowed by way of evil conservatives with lots of money, like the Koch brothers.

That’s why on one street corner in New York you might find liberals staging a perfectly illogical “Quality Care, not Koch Care” protest, and on another, an equally illogical “Stop the War on Women…Stop Patriarchy…Abortion on Demand without Apology” convention.

Recently it was reported that Americans for Prosperity humanitarian David Koch contributed mega-millions to a new ambulatory care center due to be built at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. The left’s reaction to David Koch’s philanthropic gift is similar to the reasoning that killing female babies is key to liberating women who care about people.

Brothers Charles and David Koch rank #59 behind other political contributors, including the liberal billionaire Steyer brothers, who called David Koch “famously evil” for doing malevolent things like contributing enormous sums of money to charitable causes.  Koch’s latest contribution is “the largest philanthropic donation” in the history of New York-Presbyterian Hospital and will help provide “patients with the best personalized and integrated outpatient care, from diagnosis to treatment to aftercare, in a single, patient-friendly and technologically sophisticated environment.”

“Patient-friendly” environments aside, liberals apparently believe they can further healthcare for the poor by protesting huge donations by rich conservatives, even if those donations lead to job creation and improved healthcare facilities for the poor.

For greater understanding, here’s how it works: the left defines David Koch funding of an outpatient ambulatory care center as “defeating and repealing healthcare to all Americans,” and his oil tycoon money helping create new jobs as “attacking workers.”

That’s why, “Quality… not Koch” militants recently marched in front of the “soon-to-be-built” David H. Koch Center location. The complainers included such notables as the New York State Nurses’ Association (NYSNA), who apparently are angered because, by 2018, Koch’s donation will help create new nursing jobs. Also in attendance were the NAACP New York State Conference and SEIU Local 1199, as well as guitar-playing people in red jackets who’ll march for anything if it gets them a free pancake breakfast.

In 2012, in the midst of layoffs at non-profit Washington Hospital Center, ardent abortion supporter/former President Bill Clinton received a $225,000 speaking fee. Remarkably, Bill Clinton’s insensitivity toward laid-off hospital workers failed to rouse even one concerned lesbian to host a “Speak out for Quality Care, Not Clinton Care” street march. But let a conservative donate $100 million to a hospital, and rampant ire is the response from the “Abortion on Demand without Apology” crowd.

On International Women’s Day protesters were annoyed because the “oil tycoon” contributing the money has an anti-abortion conviction – without apology – that is contrary to liberal ideology, which includes the unfettered right to abortion without apology!

So, evidently a huge donation to supplement jobs and provide a spanking-new health pavilion that is poised to enhance healthcare in New York City is unwelcome if the philanthropist doing the donating does not support the Revolutionary Communist Party’s stance that abortion should be available to anyone, anytime.

Adding to that irritation, the “soon-to-be-built” New York-Presbyterian Hospital pavilion will be located on the wealthy Upper East Side, where Mayor Bill ‘Tale of Two Cities’ de Blasio would likely agree that, as punishment for success, residents should be left to die in snowdrifts.

So there you have it – liberal logic in action:  protest for a cause and feign concern for the oppressed, then turn around and oppress the ones for whom you were feigning concern.

According to the Revolutionary Communist Party, the way to address male oppression of women is to kill unborn women. For the “Quality Care, not Koch Care” activists, it means biting the hand that provides healthcare and jobs just because on Election Day that hand pulls the Republican lever.

At a militant Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) demonstration held in New York City recently, scowling women in combat boots who believe in armed conflict stood on soapboxes rallying against patriarchy. Their battle cry: “Abortion on Demand without Apology.” The twisted premise of the rally was that women should be vindicated if they kill unborn babies (without apology), including female babies, which, in turn, would somehow liberate the gentle sex from oppressive males.

Similarly, when it comes to health care, liberals applaud beneficence, unless it’s bestowed by way of evil conservatives with lots of money, like the Koch brothers.

That’s why on one street corner in New York you might find liberals staging a perfectly illogical “Quality Care, not Koch Care” protest, and on another, an equally illogical “Stop the War on Women…Stop Patriarchy…Abortion on Demand without Apology” convention.

Recently it was reported that Americans for Prosperity humanitarian David Koch contributed mega-millions to a new ambulatory care center due to be built at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. The left’s reaction to David Koch’s philanthropic gift is similar to the reasoning that killing female babies is key to liberating women who care about people.

Brothers Charles and David Koch rank #59 behind other political contributors, including the liberal billionaire Steyer brothers, who called David Koch “famously evil” for doing malevolent things like contributing enormous sums of money to charitable causes.  Koch’s latest contribution is “the largest philanthropic donation” in the history of New York-Presbyterian Hospital and will help provide “patients with the best personalized and integrated outpatient care, from diagnosis to treatment to aftercare, in a single, patient-friendly and technologically sophisticated environment.”

“Patient-friendly” environments aside, liberals apparently believe they can further healthcare for the poor by protesting huge donations by rich conservatives, even if those donations lead to job creation and improved healthcare facilities for the poor.

For greater understanding, here’s how it works: the left defines David Koch funding of an outpatient ambulatory care center as “defeating and repealing healthcare to all Americans,” and his oil tycoon money helping create new jobs as “attacking workers.”

That’s why, “Quality… not Koch” militants recently marched in front of the “soon-to-be-built” David H. Koch Center location. The complainers included such notables as the New York State Nurses’ Association (NYSNA), who apparently are angered because, by 2018, Koch’s donation will help create new nursing jobs. Also in attendance were the NAACP New York State Conference and SEIU Local 1199, as well as guitar-playing people in red jackets who’ll march for anything if it gets them a free pancake breakfast.

In 2012, in the midst of layoffs at non-profit Washington Hospital Center, ardent abortion supporter/former President Bill Clinton received a $225,000 speaking fee. Remarkably, Bill Clinton’s insensitivity toward laid-off hospital workers failed to rouse even one concerned lesbian to host a “Speak out for Quality Care, Not Clinton Care” street march. But let a conservative donate $100 million to a hospital, and rampant ire is the response from the “Abortion on Demand without Apology” crowd.

On International Women’s Day protesters were annoyed because the “oil tycoon” contributing the money has an anti-abortion conviction – without apology – that is contrary to liberal ideology, which includes the unfettered right to abortion without apology!

So, evidently a huge donation to supplement jobs and provide a spanking-new health pavilion that is poised to enhance healthcare in New York City is unwelcome if the philanthropist doing the donating does not support the Revolutionary Communist Party’s stance that abortion should be available to anyone, anytime.

Adding to that irritation, the “soon-to-be-built” New York-Presbyterian Hospital pavilion will be located on the wealthy Upper East Side, where Mayor Bill ‘Tale of Two Cities’ de Blasio would likely agree that, as punishment for success, residents should be left to die in snowdrifts.

So there you have it – liberal logic in action:  protest for a cause and feign concern for the oppressed, then turn around and oppress the ones for whom you were feigning concern.

According to the Revolutionary Communist Party, the way to address male oppression of women is to kill unborn women. For the “Quality Care, not Koch Care” activists, it means biting the hand that provides healthcare and jobs just because on Election Day that hand pulls the Republican lever.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2014/03/eye-crossing-liberal-logic-helping-oppressed/#i7WJxMyefY4cztTM.99

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