Gulp! Michelle Obama Defends Force-Feeding the Kids

michelle-o-lunch-300x180Originally posted at The Clash Daily

Absolutely appalled that anyone, let alone the public school system, would reject her dietary diktats, Mrs. Obama is now pushing back against those opposed to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and the mandatory school nutrition standards that accompanied the bill. As part of that shove back, Michelle recently granted an interview to Susannah Bradley of MSN’s Healthy Living.

Although the FLOTUS is trying to depict the School Nutrition Association (SNA) and certain members of Congress as the evil bad guys who want to serve candy and cake to kids for lunch, the truth is that they just want to grant schools more autonomy in deciding what to put on the lunch menu.

Lest we forget, autonomy is anathema to dictators.

That’s why Michelle, despite packing on a little caboose poundage herself since moving to the White House, feels it’s necessary for her to cure childhood obesity on her own. According to Mama Obama, the way to accomplish that is to insist that the food being served in schools participating in the school lunch program be nutrient-dense, calorically lacking, and completely tasteless.

It gets better – the FLOTUS is also ready to move from the cafeteria into the home by making government pronouncements instructing parents on how and what to feed their kids.

Using made-up stories as a tool of manipulation, Michelle told Susannah that “Before coming to the White House, [she] struggled, as a working parent with a traveling, busy husband, to figure out how to feed [her] kids healthy, and [she] didn’t get it right.”

What Mrs. Obama conveniently forgot to mention was that “Let’s Move!” ambassador Sam Kass, who is still the president’s personal chef, was also the family’s personal chef when they lived in Chicago. So what Mama Obama should have said is that their chef didn’t “get it right.”

When Michelle told Bradley that “Our pediatrician had to pull me aside and point out some things that were going wrong,” she was playing the pediatrician card. According to Michelle, Sasha and Malia’s BMIs troubled the mystery pediatrician.

Michelle told Susannah, “I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?”

Translation: If I – a brilliant Princeton/Harvard alumni – can’t properly instruct my personal chef on what to cook for two kids with scary BMIs, what are those idiots out there feeding their brats?

Having revealed that shameful state of affairs, Michelle then said:

When I first came to the White House, one of the first things I knew I wanted to take on was this issue, because now we know that there is a childhood obesity epidemic, and a lot of it comes from the fact that we have lost that core understanding of how to best nourish our kids.

Translation: Food control is the perfect Nanny State entrée into America’s private lives.

Despite Mama Obama’s haranguing, most of the broccoli florets and fiddlehead frittatas end up in the garbage. That’s why, unlike her husband, who found a way to force-feed America a mishmash of policy catastrophes, short of a mandated gastric feeding tube Michelle Obama has thus far been unable to force-feed the kids.

When Michelle said, “It’s so important for our schools to make the hard calls for our kids, because parents are struggling enough at home,” the liberal mindset prominently surfaced. Aren’t bureaucratic “hard calls” the intoxicating elixir liberal politicians live for, and isn’t that exactly how Barack Obama compensates for his stunning dictatorial ineptitude?

A lot like her husband, who loves to force-feed nasty stuff to unwilling Americans, the first lady stressed that “We have to be the ones in charge of what our kids eat. We have to set the tone and provide the examples, because what they learn now is what they’ll carry with them for the rest of their lives.”

“I want to make sure that my girls know what healthy meals look like and feel like,” said Michelle, “so that when they leave my home and go to college, they at least have the knowledge to make the best choices for themselves.”

Of all people, the FLOTUS shouldn’t be talking about tone-setting and example-providing. Moreover, the Obama ‘girls’ go to a $36K per-year private school that provides students with menu choices from “Classic” and “Vegetarian” entrées.

For added manipulation, Mrs. Obama claimed that the schools that submit to her Highness’s list of food options have improved test scores, kids clamoring to come to school every day, and disappearing disciplinary problems. Could it be that marinated beets have actually managed to suppress school gun violence in Chicago?

Either way, according to the FLOTUS, “It is our job as adults to make sure that our kids eat what they need, not what they want.” And isn’t that how we ended up with Obamacare? The POTUS, who knew better what Americans needed and couldn’t care less what Americans wanted, pushed his putrid policy on 300 million reluctant people?

Nevertheless, her Ivy League attitude notwithstanding, Mrs. Obama did humbly admit she’s culinarily ignorant.

In addition, the FLOTUS shared her opinion on the uneducated ignoramuses who don’t know how to feed their kids, revealed her fascination with gavage, and suggested that government needs to “lend a hand to the schools that are struggling, not roll back the standards and say, ‘Oh, well. The kids don’t like it so let them eat cake.’”

Really? Did Michelle Obama actually utter the words “let them eat cake?”

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