Dianne Feinstein, Friend of Terrorists

6a00d8341c730253ef01910260efff970cOriginally posted at American Thinker.

If you close your eyes and listen, you’ll probably hear the sound of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), moral, upstanding person that she is, wringing her hands.  Thanks to Dianne and her insistence that a report exposing the CIA’s overseas handling of 119 terrorists be released, America is getting a good dose of absurd liberal reasoning.

Dianne Feinstein is among those who have the audacity to point the finger of accusation at CIA operatives for splashing water in the face of the confessed architect of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but have no problem with the paper-thin skin of an unborn baby being peeled away from its fragile bones while still in the womb.

Neither is she, nor many of her Executive Amnesty cohorts who are sympathetic to fiends like Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who helped plan the bombing of the USS Cole, killing 17 Americans and injuring 39, worried about the helpless infants and small children being exposed to deadly Third World diseases.

Instead, the woman who said it was “morally correct” to force pro-life taxpayers to fund abortion took to the Senate floor to bemoan CIA operatives causing discomfort to terrorists who view American and Jewish lives much like pro-abortion women view preborn humans: worthless.

Leaving aside Dianne’s personal gripe with the Central Intelligence Agency, isn’t it a tad hypocritical for a person who has no problem burning fetuses with saline, dismembering them with suction apparatus, and using a scalpel to remove the brain of a partially born human being to lecture anyone about the inhumanity of subjecting terrorists to sleep deprivation and loud music?

Suddenly, the woman who voted “No” on banning partial-birth abortion is concerned about the “fundamental principles of right and wrong?” What is Dianne, with her 100%-NARAL-rating, saying?  That if unborn babies were “tummy-slapped” or waterboarded to death she would oppose the “ugly, visceral” procedure called abortion?

Moreover, if exposing rogue government agencies is what Ms. Feinstein is so passionate about, maybe she should encourage her colleagues in the Democratic Party to investigate the political torture visited upon innocent US citizens by the government agency known as the IRS.

Or better yet, how about exploring Obama’s possible connection to supplying Mexican cartels with the guns that killed Border Agent Brian Terry and ICE Agent Jaime Zapata?

In her pious comments pertaining to “enhanced interrogation techniques,” the senator from California lamented the treatment of high-ranking al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah at the hands of an agency that worked tirelessly to shield the American people from another 9/11.

According to the report, Abu Zubaydah was “stripped naked and diapered, physically struck, and put in various painful stress positions for long periods of time” which, by comparison, was probably an experience far less terrifying than choking on jet fuel while being burned alive.

The 6,700 page study on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program revealed that Mr. Zubaydah, as well as other fiendish terrorist types, was “deprived of sleep for days” and forced, the poor dears, to stand in “stress positions… with their hands tied together over their heads, chained to the ceiling.”

As uncomfortable and humiliating as that might be for an extremist used to having the upper hand in most situations, the sleepless-in-Guantanamo/chained-to-the-ceiling routine is probably a discomfort that murdered Americans would have happily endured if given a choice between that and being crushed by millions of pounds of concrete and steel.

Still, Dianne Feinstein is very distressed that interrogators and guards employed “rough takedowns,” where a terrorist was hooded, stripped naked, and “dragged up and down a dirt hallway while being slapped and punched.”

Maybe über-tenderhearted Feinstein should spend a couple of hours with a fetus born alive in a botched abortion when, in the name of the kind of choice she and President Obama support, a helpless newborn is forced to endure the anguish of being denied oxygen, hydration, and warmth.

Quite frankly, instead of the liberal belief that enhanced interrogation is sadistic, Feinstein’s sentiment about “fac[ing] an ugly truth and say[ing] ‘never again’” would serve humanity a whole lot better if she were exposing the sadistic procedure called abortion.

Mrs. Feinstein also seemed to be disgusted by the notion that several detainees were led to believe “they would …leave in a coffin-shaped box.” Maybe someone should remind the senator that most of those who died on 9/11 did not have the luxury of being laid to rest in a coffin.  Instead, of the 2,800 victims, fewer than 300 whole bodies were recovered.  The other 2,500 were blown apart, incinerated, or pulverized.

Attempting to head off the bloodshed that is sure to follow the release of a report former Vice President Dick Cheney said was “full of crap,” as well as making an effort to soften the impending blowback, Feinstein predicted terrorists will “try to use [the report] to justify evil actions or to incite more violence.”

Come what may, I hope that Dianne Feinstein feels better about herself after confessing to the world that the CIA placed mass murderers in confined spaces with scary caterpillars.

Whether the sanctimonious senator feels vindicated or not matters little, because despite getting a reprieve from “rectal rehydration,” radical Islamic terrorists will continue to search for ways to smuggle a dirty bomb into an American city where, when it goes off, hundreds of thousands of people will die excruciating deaths.

In the end, the best America can hope for is that ISIS will be impressed by America’s commitment to treating terrorists humanely.  Then, as a reciprocal gesture toward the Senate Intelligence Committee, the next time Jihadi John beheads an American maybe he’ll ditch the rusty kitchen knife and switch to an ax.

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