Does America now have a bald FLOTUS?

Originally posted at American Thinker.

Michelle Obama is home from her #letgirlslearn swing through Asia and back to hawking fruits and veggies from the stainless steel area deep within the hallowed halls of the White House kitchen.

Appearing for a segment on Jeopardy, the million-dollar question has now become: what happened to Michelle’s hair?

Surrounded by a harvest brimming with God’s bounty and standing in front of a very large soup pot, the FLOTUS sported a hairdo that gave the optical illusion of baldheadedness.

Looking like a female rendition of her husband’s hairdo in between dye jobs, Michelle seemed totally unaware of people not focusing on a word she was saying because instead of watching her lips, they were staring directly at the top of her head.

Nonetheless, the FLOTUS continued to instruct the Jeopardy audience, most of whom are senior citizens, on things like rinsing the sodium off canned vegetables and remembering to eat lots of vitamin A-rich sweet potatoes.

Clearly, what was happening was that Mrs. Obama had her hair slicked back, and with the lighting and the stainless steel reflecting off her noodle, coupled with her body-hugging dress, the FLOTUS assumed the appearance of a silvery female version of Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek.

Mrs. Obama was on Jeopardy to promote her “Let’s Move!” anti-childhood obesity initiative.  But instead, she managed to alleviate America’s fears with the unintentional message that if peppers and pineapple don’t do the trick, you can always show up 10 pounds lighter at your next event by shaving your head.

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