Dying on the Sidewalk of Nancy Pelosi’s Sanctuary City

image33-420x260Originally posted at American Thinker.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) once said that regardless of legal status, “north and south in this hemisphere… we are all Americans.” Based on that absurd statement, it stands to reason that Nancy Pelosi would be the Grand Diva of the sanctuary city that gave 45-year-old illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez asylum from deportation.

In the past, Pelosi also warned America that if Republicans stopped ObamaCare funding for abortion ‘women would die on the floor.’

Thus far, not one woman has “died on the floor” because of Republican policy. However, what has happened is that in Pelosi’s very own Democrat-controlled sanctuary city, on a warm summer evening, a young woman perished on the sidewalk after being shot by an undocumented alien who found refuge under the wings of Nancy Pelosi-approved lax immigration policy.

It seems that while Mrs. Pelosi was actively trying to warn prochoice women about the dangers of being denied funding to murder their unborn children, with her approval, illegal menace Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez was lurking around San Francisco.

After being deported and dropped off south of the border five times, thanks to Obama’s nonexistent border security, Juan, like a boomerang, kept returning.

Apart from being in the U.S. illegally, “Sanchez has seven prior felony convictions, four of which were for drug charges.” The Mexico native’s felony “convictions took place in states including Texas, Oregon and Arizona.” Yet somehow, San Francisco Bay authorities released Sanchez.

With that in mind, here’s a question for Obama:  Um, excuse me Mr. President, but did Sanchez happen to be one of the 36,000 criminal illegal-alien violent felons awaiting deportation who were released by your empathetic, illegal immigration-loving administration?

As we wait for that answer, maybe America should contemplate the fact that if Juan Francisco was one of the thousands released, then there’s a good chance armies of similar undocumented menaces are rambling around in all “57” of the states Barack Obama managed to drop in on.

Nonetheless, in Lopez-Sanchez’s case, despite all the time and money spent on him and his repeated felonious actions, the illegal alien must have felt confident in his ability to continue to defy the law.  In fact, so secure was he that, on a walk in the evening light on Pier 14 in San Francisco, with plans to shoot sea lions from the bridge Mr. Sanchez brought along an illegal firearm.

By the way, sneaking into the U.S. is illegal, and so is shooting protected marine wildlife.

Nevertheless, Sanchez, who thus far has seen no need to remain in the shadows, keep a low profile, or obey American laws, pressed on with the plan to lean over the side of a bridge and illegally plant bullets in a sea lion or two –- or as Barack Obama might more sensitively describe it, share the many layers of ethnic diversity by fishing Mexican-style in a city that appreciates colorful cultural contributions.

Sadly, at about the same time, 32-year-old sales rep/Cal Poly San Luis Obispo student Kate Steinle, after finishing dinner with her father Jim, decided to also take an evening stroll on the same bridge.

That’s when the 5x deported Mexican illegal’s gun, which may or may not turn out to be ill-gotten contraband compliments of Obama’s Fast & Furious scheme, accidentally discharged, and instead of a bullet landing in the head of a sea lion, it hit Kathryn square in the back.

After Steinle’s heart stopped twice, she died, not on the floor like Nancy Pelosi predicted would happen to women thanks to prolife policy, but in a hospital in her parents’ arms.

An illegal immigrant barred from having a gun shoots at sea lions and accidentally kills a young woman minding her own business and Obama, who lives in a constant state of indignation about the Second Amendment, has nothing to say?

Equally silent is San Francisco’s very own Nancy Pelosi. Nancy conjured up a fantasy scenario about imaginary women dying on the floor and vowed to protect a woman’s right to murder children, and did it while bestowing symbolic citizenship on and asylum to illegals whose major contribution to America thus far has been ever-mounting death and destruction.

Hence, without further ado, Americans have a moral duty to demand that liberal Democrat apologists who support illegal immigration finally account for the gross recklessness that has resulted in yet another senseless, untimely death.

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