HAS FRANCE REWARDED Pedophilia by Electing ‘President Oedipus’?

Originally posted at  CLASH Daily.

In April of 2015, on an ABC ,20/20: A Barbara Walters’ Special Barbara allowed a child molester and her victim/husband to explain: “How Mary Kay Letourneau Went From Having Sex With a 6th Grader to Becoming His Wife.” With that in mind, maybe Barbara would agree to come out of retirement to also explain how a woman named Brigitte Trogneux went from having sex with a 9th grader to becoming France’s First Lady.

In 1993, Brigitte Trogneux-Auzière was a married 40-year-old mother of three, teaching French literature, Latin, and drama in an elite private school run by Jesuit priests. It was during her tenure in Amiens that Brigitte did the unthinkable and seduced a 15-year-old student performing in “The Art of Comedy,” the school play she directed.

Now a 64-year-old grandmother-of-seven, Brigitte Trogneux’s sordid love story is not unlike that of the ten-years-younger Mary Kay Letourneau who, as a 34-year-old married woman, with four children, started helping 12-year-old student Vili Fualaau “develop his drawing skills”.

Unlike Vili, whose proclivity tended toward illustration, Trogneux, the daughter of millionaire chocolatier/macaroon-makers, thought Macron had an “exceptional intelligence”. Trogneux has said that she was so impressed with Emmanuel’s brain power, she felt as if she “[w] as working with Mozart”. Perhaps Auzière slept with the boy because, in his presence, she was overtaken by the sound of violins and a harpsichord?

Either way, in France the age of consent rises from 15-to-18 if the older party has authority over the younger victim. Whether or not France’s new first lady was actually having literal sex with her youthful understudy remains unclear. However, when asked for details by Anne Fulda, a journalist, and author of Emmanuel Macron: A Perfect Young Man, Brigitte replied, “Nobody will ever know at what moment our story became a love story. That belongs to us. That is our secret.”

Whenever the crime took place, rest assured, Macron was still a schoolboy, which is why Brigitte’s “secret” is so disturbing. One would think that even in Sexuellement libéré France, teachers shun sex with their students.

Nonetheless, at the start of the relationship, Macron, the son of two doctors, spent so much time with his middle-aged paramour, “rewriting the play’s script”, his parents thought he was pursuing Brigitte’s daughter Tiphaine Auzière who was in Emmanuel’s class.

Unlike Mary Kay Letourneau, whose in-laws reported her affair with Vili to the authorities, which resulted in Letourneau’s arrest, and a charge of second-degree child rape, “Emmanuel’s parents … did not lodge a complaint against Brigitte Auzière for corruption of a minor.”

Displeased that his son’s after school activities included things other than script revision, Macron’s father asked the seductress who was the same age as the boy’s mother to stay away from his son at least until he was 18. Brigitte refused and tearfully told her lover’s father, “I cannot promise you anything.”

Emmanuel’s father and mother’s false belief that sending their son away to college would end the inappropriate relationship was probably the only reason Brigitte escaped charges of statutory rape.

On the other hand, sex-offender Mary Kay Letourneau was less fortunate.

Immediately after Letourneau’s first release from prison, on condition that she stay far away from her underage inamorato, and in direct disobedience to a court order, police found the demure pedophile in the act of being impregnated a second time by Fualaau in a mini-van with steamed up windows. As a result of that encounter, and before being reunited with the teen-of-her-dreams and finally settling down to raise their two daughters, Mary Kay ended up serving 7.5 years in jail.

With plans for more children and hopes of returning to private schools and community colleges to help other children “develop their drawing skills”, Letourneau was released from jail in 2004, married 21-year-old Fualaau in 2005, and now works as a legal assistant.

Anne Bremner, an attorney who met Letourneau in 2002, said of the star-crossed lovers “Nothing could have kept the two of them apart.” In like manner, Brigitte also romanticized seducing a child, destroying her marriage and family, and devastating her husband of 33-years as merely “Love [taking] everything in its path.”

At 16-years-old Macron vowed to make the married mother of three his wife. So, after carrying on for 14-years while her dutiful spouse worked long hours; the year after Mary Kay married Vili, Brigitte divorced her shattered husband, Andre-Louis Auzière. Then, in 2007, at 54-years of age, a menopausal Brigitte, dressed in a short, white mini-dress, married her 29-year-old protégé in the same town hall where she wed her first husband three years prior to her groom being born.

To this day, Emmanuel Macron credits his wife with shaping him into the man he is. And so, the object of France’s president-elect’s mother fixation gave up making macaroons and, instead, has spent 20+ years making a Macron into a president. Thus, Brigitte Trogneux progressed from wife to mother to teacher to lover of a political Mozart who the new world order hopes will be the progressive remedy for European populism.

Think about how strange it would have been if Barack Obama had brought Marian Robinson to the White House as his wife instead of his mother-in-law. Meanwhile, France’s May/December couple affectionately refers to each other as “Manu” and “Bibi”, the latter of which means “grandma” in Swahili.

In the end, Mary Kay Letourneau gave birth to the second of Vili’s daughters behind bars.

But for Brigitte “Mme Robinson” Trogneux things have turned out quite different. After being part-and-party to a decades-long sex scandal, President Oedipus’s wife won’t be going to jail. Instead, Trogneux will be rewarded for her indiscretions with the title of France’s First Lady and will live with Manu like a queen in Élysée Palace.

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