Because Joe Biden’s America reeks of Obama.
Originally posted at Substack
Beginning in January of 2009, newly elected Barack Obama embarked on a historical mission to castrate America. Who better to man the wrecking ball crane than someone who views the American Constitution as “fundamentally flawed?” Utilizing Saul Alinsky’s ‘foment-a-crisis/find-a-socialist-cure’ blueprint, Obama’s policies moved America closer toward the Marxist mindset for eight years.
To “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation in the world into a shadow of its former self, Obama applied community organization strategies. The goal was to convert individualism into consensus and employ strong-arm tactics to implement social justice while enforcing submission to central command.
From the get-go, to establish unquestioned authority, Obama repeatedly slapped back political rivals by reminding the opposing party that he “won” the election and that blocking stimulus efforts was futile. If destroying America was one of Obama’s initial goals, the failed $831 billion American Recovery, and Reinvestment Act provided a formidable start.
The former president shamed those who over stepped boundaries and, at the 2010 SOTU, publicly ripped into the Supreme Court. The ex-president was emboldened to castigate political adversaries because a difference of opinion translates into a personal affront for someone like Barry Soetoro. Accordingly, on his own behalf, Obama fortified the endeavor by weaponizing federal government entities like the DHS, the FBI, DOJ, and the IRS.
Although cleverly articulated, the vitriol Obama spewed revealed profound contempt for America and her people. “Government of the people, by the people and for the people,” became “Government of Obama, by Obama and for Obama.”
In addition to relentlessly assaulting American values and traditions, the Nobel Peace Prize winner also directed attention toward undermining our nation’s reputation on the world stage. Barack successfully postured himself as victim of a system formerly run by white European slave owners.
The president’s effort was purposeful and well planned. Obama walked guns over the border into the hands of dangerous drug cartels, grew ISIS, and shielded 9/11 terrorists from interrogation.
His efforts included insulting the Judeo-Christian ethic, angering allies, and blatantly extending a hand of friendship to those who hate Israel and chant “Death to America.” After Biden’s purposeful Afghanistan debacle, and in keeping with Obama’s romance with international villains, 9-months into Biden’s presidency, the Taliban’s weapon cache magically overshadowed our superiorly armed ally, Israel.
In addition to exchanging hugs with Cuba’s Raúl Castro, Obama’s tenure enriched genocidal Iran. On the night the US Ambassador to Libya and three Americans lost their lives in Benghazi, like his college transcripts, Obama went missing.
Always adept at finessing artful deception, Obama never appeared worried about future elections or how his destructive policies’ negatively swayed public opinion. Considering the fail-safe efforts put in place before the 2016 election, Barack had every reason to be confident that, one way or another, his handpicked successor would have two terms to assist in finishing the hack job he started.
Then a political outsider broke Obama’s stride. Despite various tried-and-true pre-election preparations, “we the people,” also known as MAGA “radicals,” went to the polls and thoroughly repudiated every jot and tittle of Obama’s global agenda.
Imagine how Trump’s victory offended a spiteful, self-obsessed, power whore like Barack Obama? Swallowing a corporate businessman’s triumph had to hurt more than the basketball champ getting 12-stitches in his split lip.
The question is: did rejection of a Marxist/Alinsky-driven vision motivate Obama to delay retirement and spend four years finding a way to disgrace his successor while simultaneously chastening every voter his weaponized federal government failed to intimidate?
Anxious to influence the future, first, Trump needed discretization, and subsequently, his followers a form of punishment that would either inspire or impose future obedience.
After years of training in psychological manipulation, Barack knows that unfounded accusations levy heavy fodder for feeble minds. Therefore, Barack was undoubtedly complicit in the effort to indict the man who dared expose the left’s anti-American militancy.
Thus, Trump was driven to defense by unfounded accusations of White supremacist leanings and Russian collusion hoaxes. Then, BLM and Antifa were loosed on American cities to voice opposition to our Founding Fathers and exact retribution on Obama’s behalf on those rejecting what the former president stood for.
Trump’s view of America is not the “not who we are” anti-USA identity Obama nurtured for almost a decade. That’s why, for the 2020 election, by any means necessary, a suspiciously garnered 81-million votes were needed to overcome an incoming red wave.
If shaming those who admonished Obama is the goal, humiliation was swiftly and painfully exacted after the election by losing a 20-year war to a pack of tent dwellers in high tops. Not to mention leveling the US military by leaving billions of dollars’ worth of firepower in the hands of terrorists. At the same time 13-flag draped coffins rolled off a military cargo plane, instigation and humiliation were exacerbated by the image of a viable nursing home dweller demeaning blood and treasure by checking his Apple watch.
Remember when Obama “urged” everyone to take an H1N1 vaccination, and very few cooperated? Retribution appears to now include dehumanizing undercover “tea baggers,” obliterating self-rule by forcing Americans to take the medicine they don’t want, and the State challenging parental authority.
Another lesson aimed at those who rejected America’s Long Shanks’ and to further dilute American culture; taxpayers face a future of “resettled” LGBT refugees sharing gender-free restrooms and receiving free college, guaranteed income, and unlawful voter privileges.
Then there’s the resurrection of the Green New Deal, out-of-control inflation, the cost of repairing infrastructure, a promise to “level the playing field” via crippling tax rates, and a supply chain nightmare reminiscent of zebra meals in Venezuela.
Without a doubt, the current trend to jail patriots without bail is a revamped version of Obama’s treatise on right-wing extremism. The April 2009 DHS document was rife with accusatory rhetoric as well as religious and racial hatred. Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment mirrors the current effort to seek out domestic terrorists who oppose divisive critical race theory and public-school curriculums featuring pre-school masturbation lessons, as well as those sporting veteran poppies and USA lapel pins.
In light of these and other events, besides enjoying a third term, Obama must revel daily in perverted pleasure as the nation he despises is crushed beneath the orthopedic shoe of a bumbling demented figurehead reading cliff notes off-colored coded cue cards.
Sorry, but Biden’s deleterious policies appear to be a warp speed reprisal for 2016 and reek more of Obama’s hostile attitude toward all things America than they do Geritol. With that in mind, the 44th POTUS’s behind-the-scenes revitalization plan is working; a country in an upswing has quickly reverted from “America First” to “America Failed.”
In the end, the proverbial ball is back in the left’s court. Therefore, America continues to suffer because neither Trump, supposed free and fair elections, the American citizenry, Congress, nor a “fatally flawed” founding document seems to have the ability to deter Barack Hussein Obama from directing Biden on how to demote American exceptionalism to the status of Haiti.
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#ケーキ寿司 #コチュジャン #コラム執筆 #コロッケ #コロナ #コーヒー #コールスローサラダ
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#サラダパスタ #サンドイッチ #サンドウィッチ #サンドウィッチべんとう
#サンドウィッチ弁当 #サンフィールド
#サーモン #サーモンのマリネ #ザ・
もと/\お妻の父といふは、上田の在から養子に来た男、根が苦労人ではあり、他所者(よそもの)でもあり、するところからして、自然(おのづ)と瀬川の家にも後見(うしろみ)と成つて呉れた。塩田氏はまた、「すべての障害者サービスを介護保険制度で提供することはしない」「就労支援や社会参加支援など、介護保険制度にないものについては、税収によって対応する」「保険料や自己負担は、いわば、新たな支えあいのための”参加料”であり、必要である」「低所得者に対しては十分な配慮を行なう」などといった見解も挙げています。妙な癖で、其笛を聞く度に、丑松は自分の少年時代を思出さずに居られないのである。 はじめて自分の眼に映つた少女(をとめ)の愛らしさを忘れずに居る。
Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed.
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また、母校の惑星中学校で、おユキ、ラムと共に「伝説のスケ番」と呼ばれている。 “桜蘭高校ホスト部 18”.
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合田『紅白歌合戦の真実』、299頁。合田道人『紅白歌合戦の真実』、299頁。池田隆政ははとこにあたる。池乃めだか:同上。 チャーリー浜:同上。上田早苗(東京アナウンス室):長崎県島原市より中継。前田憲男:森山良子の指揮担当。藤山一郎:エンディング「蛍の光」で指揮担当。 コロッケ:大月みやことチェッカーズの曲間および美川憲一の曲中。間寛平:前川清とライマ・
“統合化成功への条件(3)”ソフト資源”生かす–キャラクター軸に。 「体験学習できるテーマパーク サンリオピューロランド」『社会教育 1997年1月号(通巻607号)』第52巻第1号、財団法人全日本社会教育連合会、1997年1月1日、38-39頁。 「体験学習と感性教育の新しい学習プログラム 全天候型屋内テーマパーク サンリオピューロランド」『社会教育 1994年4月号(通巻574号)』第49巻第4号、財団法人全日本社会教育連合会、1994年4月1日、42-43頁。
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– 銀行業営業免許取得。 CS RANKING. 2024年10月9日閲覧。
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An skilled on the works of Hesselius (father and son), Professor Roland Fleischer, notes that early works of John Hesselius are characterized by the canvas having been primed with a dark, reddish base paint, and that some of his works have been signed, others weren’t.
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Brief but very precise information… Appreciate your sharing this one.
A must read post!
Excellent article et très informatif! Les services de marketing médical en ligne offrent une
opportunité incroyable pour les professionnels de santé.
Merci pour le partage de cet article et pour les
conseils pratiques!
「 お式の日、御所をあとにしたときも悲しくもなく、不安な気持ちも、嬉しい気持ちもありませんでした。深圳証券取引所・今年の11/7に「豊洲」に移転が決まっている世界一の規模をもつ市場!水産の写真から、知る人ぞ知る篠一さん。一日も早いコロナ終息を願わずにはいられない。日本ではWii、PS3でのみ発売。撮影特訓編 すっかり秋に突入した清々しい秋空日和のこの日 久々の「銀座」…中川の教えを受けた森川昌和は、後に鳥浜貝塚において「縄文のタイムカプセル」と呼ばれる遺物を発掘するなど、考古学界に新見地を開く功績を上げた。
セイロンは、アメリカ合衆国の批准書を寄託したと同じ日の1952年4月28日のアメリカ合衆国東部標準時で13時30分に批准書を寄託した。 なお内閣告示は条約の発効の旨のみであるが、外務省告示は、発効までに批准書を寄託した国及びその批准書を寄託した日も告示している。韓国が「講和条約署名国としての資格がある」とアメリカ側へ訴え、これを受けて1949年(昭和24年)12月3日、駐韓アメリカ大使ジョン・
I like what you guys tend to be up too. This sort of clever work and reporting!
Keep up the excellent works guys I’ve you guys to blogroll.
000ポイントとして、日本経済新聞社が算出・ “外務省: 皇太子殿下の「日独交流150周年」日本側名誉総裁御就任”.
“絶対合格宣言スペシャル with 茂木健一郎先生&GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE 小森隼先生”.
“GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBEの小森隼先生が来校!授業テーマは「掲示板逆電」!”.