Michelle’s $4K casual Cuban cocktail dress

Originally posted at American Thinker. I’m the type of person that tries to make people feel comfortable.  In order to accomplish that goal, I consider the company I keep and adjust accordingly.  For instance, if I’m with overweight people, I don’t discuss my diet and treadmill mileage.  If I’m visiting …

Is it ‘Uptown Funk’ or ‘American Funk’?

Originally posted at American Thinker. Based on the message being sent from the White House, America is turning into a country led by a bunch of entertainers resembling intrepid plane passengers who calmly read magazines during extreme turbulence. You know the type: the airplane is being bombarded with lightning, altitude …

Obama calms children as bees swarm his storytelling

Originally posted at American Thinker. Although it sounds a little like a new product for a couch potato suffering from chronic constipation, Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move!’ initiative is celebrating its 5th anniversary of imposing government regulations on a nation that would rather she focus on something besides food. To celebrate …

#DearMe! Michelle Obama in Japan Strikes Again

Originally posted at American Thinker. It’s official! Mrs. Obama has gone #hashtag crazy. Remember when she pleaded with Boko Haram to release the 276 kidnapped girls using the hashtag “#Bringbackourgirls?” Well, that didn’t work! The girls were either sold into slavery, murdered, or married off to terrorists, and despite Michelle Obama’s solemn effort haven’t been …

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