Election year ‘dignity’ for illegals

Originally posted at American Thinker

The newest Biden mindbender — out of supposed concern for “humanity and dignity” — involves guidelines that are expected to sharply limit arrests and deportations carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In other words, if you represent a potential illegitimate vote, you can break into a sovereign nation fully confident that the person tasked to “take care that laws be faithfully executed,” will exonerate the offense.

The Biden administration has placed new limits on who ICE can arrest, detain, and deport.  ICE’s acting director, Tae Johnson, had this to say about the new rule

As an essential steward of a more secure and humane immigration system, ICE will set a tone and example for our country for years. The way that we choose to communicate is critical to enforcing the nation’s laws while respecting the humanity and dignity of those individuals with whom we interact.

Back in the day, protecting and defending the Constitution, our laws, and our citizenry were what set the tone and example for our leaders.  This new guideline is more like setting a tone for disaster and establishing an example poised to negatively impact our country for years. The irony of it all is that adherents of the political ideology that have spent more than 50 years trying to convince Americans that the dignity of life does not apply to humans gestating in the womb, is now voicing supposed concern for human dignity as an excuse to impose more absurdity on a nation already teetering on the precipice of collapse.

Not only is the Biden administration ordering ICE not to do its job, but, because words matter, Bumbling Biden is also ordering U.S. immigration enforcement agencies to modify how they refer to border raiders and foreign trespassers. The “newcomer” rule issued down from the ice cream aficionado-in-chief states that if a person circumvents U.S. immigration law and enters the United States unlawfully, the employees of the two main immigration enforcement agencies are no longer allowed to refer to illegals as illegal, or aliens as aliens.  The dictionary definition of “alien” reads as follows: “an alien is a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.”  Does that description impose disrespect on noncitizens lawfully residing in America?

Either way, forced to genuflect at the feet of politically correct insanity, two U.S. immigration enforcement agencies were handed down this edict because, just like men who think they are women get offended when referred to as men, “many people” (who shall remain nameless) get “offended” when illegals are referred to as illegal. That’s why, rather than use the words “illegal alien,” the memo instructs workers to use more acceptable terms such as “non-citizen,” or “migrant.”  

Acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Troy Miller said the instructions were essential to “set a tone and example” at an agency that includes the Border Patrol. With that in mind, Miller had this to say:

We enforce our nation’s laws while also maintaining the dignity of every individual with whom we interact.  The words we use matter and will serve to further confer that dignity to those in our custody.

Does the CBP Commissioner give equal weight to the “words” cited in 8 U.S. Code § 1325 concerning proper entry into the U.S. by aliens?  Or does he assign credibility to and consider the only “words that matter” those that benefit some self-serving agenda?  Because if it is true that “the words we use matter,” then all words should matter, especially those cited in laws established to keep Americans safe.

Under the new guidelines, “unaccompanied alien children” will be referred to as tongue-twisting “unaccompanied noncitizen children.”  In addition, U.S. immigration enforcement agencies will respectfully describe the “assimilation” of refugees and immigrants as “civic integration.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the term “civic” pertain to citizenship?

According to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, head of the agency that issued Obama’s warning on the rise of right-wing extremistAmericans, potential terrorists crossing the US border illegally are now to be considered “migrants.” Migrants are defined as those who merely “moved away from his or her place of usual residence, whether within a country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, and for a variety of reasons.”  If foreign terrorists are no longer deemed a threat to American security, isn’t it incumbent upon Mayorkas to equally respect the human dignity of “undocumented noncitizens” like MS-13 who are likely responsible for leaving an undignified array of body parts in a Long Island park as part of a culturally-diverse initiation ritual?

The truth is that right now, gangs like Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) are extended more dignity from the Biden administration than the non-voting unborn whose lives have never been granted a scintilla of dignity from this president. When not groping his way to the podium, has Joe taken the time to consider the dignity of teenage girls forced to share bathroom space with transgender men? In 2021, did Joe recognize the dignity of those he mandated to take vaccines against their will lest they lose a career for the crime of maintaining bodily autonomy? And where was Biden’s standard for dignity when the thirteen American soldiers he left in Kabul were slaughtered by the Taliban with American weaponry.

When contemplating the human worth of illegals, has Joe thought about the dignity of  22-year-old Augusta University College of Nursing student Laken Reily whose skull was crushed and disfigured by a Venezuelan, “non-citizen migrant” whom Biden’s policies are careful not to insult?   In like manner, did the gaslighting Democrat Mayor of Athens, Georgia, Kelly Girtz, consider Miss Reily’s dignity when his political posturing attributed her brutal murder, not to illegal immigration, but to Trump being “mean” to poor put upon illegals like Jose Antonio Ibarra?

Once again, the lying left refuses to acknowledge how truth alone elevates human “dignity.”  Thus, the question that arises here as to whether or not the word “illegal” is being redefined, and concern for human dignity is being exploited as a means to fortify the argument that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote in the 2024 election. After all, isn’t it the left that changes rules to suit what benefits their agenda?  Maintaining power for the left translates into dignity for illegals, but not for the unborn. Because, at the end of the day, ceasing to call illegals what they are, isn’t as much about human dignity as it is about votes.

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