Likeminded Clintons to Swear In Radical Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio

Originally posted at American Thinker.

Linked to Fox News:  Fox Nation

The Bible says in the book of Amos, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” So it follows that Bill and Hillary Clinton would be in agreement with New York City mayor-elect Warren Wilhelm, Jr., aka Bill de Blasio.

To prove it, the former president, with his presidential-hopeful wife Hillary at his side, will officially swear in the new mayor who, despite being unaffiliated with any religion or church except for an admitted interest in Marxism-inspired liberation theology, has chosen to symbolically place his hand on socialist FDR’s bible.

Hillary and Bill enthusiastically endorsed de Blasio for mayor.  However, it’s doubtful that the Clintons’ decision to do so is solely about de Blasio having formerly served as campaign manager for Hillary’s U.S. Senate race in 2000 or having worked as a HUD official in Mr. Clinton’s administration.

To safeguard her own political aspirations, Hillary Clinton likes to pretend that she is a centrist, to the right of Barack Obama.  The truth is that Hillary is so keen on Mr. de Blasio, who appears to be to the left of Karl Marx, that in October the former Secretary of State lent her Democrat star power to a million-dollar fundraiser in support of the incumbent New York City Public Advocate’s mayoral bid.

For almost 50 years, Bill and Hillary have worked hard to camouflage the truth about their radical roots.  Yet, they are about to very publicly install a man in a seat of power in America’s largest and richest city  who talks openly about sharing the wealth and doing progressive things like eliminating “letter grades on schools because he believes they amount to simplistic evaluations of merit” and “making New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) apartments available to homeless families.”

Following the swearing in ceremony, some of de Blasio’s more immediate goals include: paying for universal all-day pre-kindergarten with a tax increase pilfered from those making $500,000 a year or more; expansion of paid sick leave; allowing undocumented immigrants access to state tuition assistance and driver’s licenses; and making sure that the “stop-and-frisk” crime-cutting strategy goes to policy purgatory.

In a telling New York Times article entitled “Bill de Blasio and the New Urban Populism,” author Thomas B. Edsall discusses how de Blasio has not been reluctant to declare that he “supports programs to ensure that every New Yorker eligible for food stamps, health care, income security and social services gets on the rolls, effectively resurrecting the welfare rights movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.”

By ‘walking together’ with the new mayor, Bill and Hillary, two former hippie activists from the 60s and 70s, are admitting that they’re simpatico with a godless, pro-illegal immigrant, teachers’ union-loving, entitlement-pushing, employer-hating, proudly leftist politician.  

On a more personal note, a couple-to-couple comparison reveals that Dynamic Democrat Duo Bill and Hill, who are breathlessly looking forward to setting up housekeeping a second time in the White House, are not as honest about what is near and dear to their hearts as the couple about to move into Gracie Mansion.

Just as when Bill was president he was closely advised by Hillary, the Big Apple’s soon-to-be first lady, black poet Chirlane McCray, is the new mayor’s “closest advisor.”

However, unlike the Clintons, the ‘Smackdown‘-dancing de Blasios have the guts to confess that their 19-year unconventional interracial marriage came to pass because Chirlane, previously a self-declared lesbian, fell in love with her husband after “putting aside …assumptions … about the form and package … love would come in.”Quite frankly, that is a whole heck of a lot more forthcoming than Bill and Hillary have ever been about their own unusual marriage.

To Bill and Hill’s credit, at least their daughter Chelsea didn’t abuse substances in her teens that anyone knows of.  That is more than de Blasio, who thinks he can control a city of 8.3 million people, can say about his own daughter Chiara, whom he couldn’t control for most of her teenage years.

Marital sincerity and parenting skills are where the differences between the two couples end. Because try as they might to project themselves as adherents to a much less radical sociopolitical persuasion, the Clintons are proving they are in firm agreement with the anti-elitist, left-leaning soon-to-be mayor of New York City.As they say in New York, not for nothing, but Mr. de Blasio is such a loony leftist that in response to NYC animal rights activists concerned about “horse welfare,” Hizzoner has even gone so far as to ban horse-drawn carriages in Central Park.

To put it plainly, the 6’5” guy that Bill Clinton is about to bestow his blessing upon is a full-blown socialist who won a landslide victory in New York City despite making some wildly radical campaign promises.  

As for Mrs. Clinton, try as she might to hide it, after the swearing-in ceremony she’ll still be bound and determined to assume the title of the country’s first female president.  So America had better pay heed to Ms. Hillary, because she is ‘walking together’ and therefore in agreement with a man who has plans to turn the largest city in America into a socialist’s paradise.

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