Missteps and Mount Merapi

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog

It was at Fiesta Latina that culturally diverse hoofer Barack Obama originally proved salsa dancing to be a necessary tool of diplomacy. Therefore, as the unemployed begged God for job opportunities in churches across America, on the other side of the world in Mumbai India, Barack and Michelle Obama focused on international relations by celebrating Diwali and dancing with Indian school children.

Youngsters performed dances in colorful saris to mark the festival of lights. The president bobbed his head to the music and clapped. Young girls danced with baskets on their heads as the room erupted in cheers. At one point, students pulled the first lady on stage and taught her how to twirl.

New Delhi Television Ltd., the press organization the White House dismissed for claiming the President’s trip cost $200 million a day, collaborated with CNN, whose video confirmed that when it comes to dance moves America’s hula-hooping First Lady is a “quick learner.”  According to observers, Michelle “matched the ‘Koli’ dance steps with the children with great elan.”

The President, on the other hand, tried but exhibited a problem similar to one he struggles with at home.  According to the Diwali dancers, “Obama took a little time to adjust himself to the steps,” which mirrored the President’s propensity to insist on doing the limbo while America does the Cha-cha.

The host country of India was willing to overlook the President’s “Koli” and “Diya” missteps, claiming the visiting dignitary’s uncoordinated efforts “did not take away the charm of the gesture.” A cordial attitude indeed, especially as the midterm election confirmed that when it comes to Obama refusing to adjust to the nation’s direction, a similar sentiment is not shared at home.

After dancing up a Diwali storm, leaving Mumbai for Delhi the Obama traveling mercies were met with hindrances from nature.

As Indian authorities prepared to “bid adieu to President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, strong winds kept blowing away the red carpet laid out at the airport for them.”  In fact, authorities rolled out the crimson runner twice and “both the times, it was blown away by the wind.”

Red carpets and renegade rodents in the Rose Garden prove once again when it comes to Obama, “That best laid schemes o’ moles an’ men often go awry.”

Unable to control nature, the Indian authorities finally decided to do away with the uncooperative rug.  Thus Michelle and Barry, who hours prior were twirling with barefoot children in Indian garb, were forced to find the aircraft without the assistance of a red carpet to lead the way.  Dealing with the disobliging rug was sort of like seeing a crown slide off a king’s head and replacing it with a baseball cap.

To add more angst to the situation, just as Barack is due to visit his childhood home and pay respects at the Buddhist Borobudur Temple in Jakarta, 600-degree volcanic gray ash has decided to show up, spewing forth from Mount Merapi in central Java.

It’s a shame, because prior to the Asian adventure every possible scenario was taken into consideration and acted upon, from mass coconut removal to thwarting the monkey menace, all to ensure presidential pageantry moved forward without impediment.

Yet, beyond the auspices of Indian authorities and the Obama administration’s orchestrated jurisdiction, it appears wind and erupting Indonesian mountains are making unauthorized appearances. It sounds as if Barack, who told dancing children “a tree a day keeps global warming away,” is finding that in Asia, as on Election Day back home, there are some things a lousy but “charming” dancer can’t control.

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