The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

enterovirusOriginally posted at American Thinker.

Unfortunately for the rest of America, liberals are not going to realize the damage they have wrought on all of us until they personally experience the ramifications of supporting Barack Obama.

At this juncture, maybe an illegal-immigrant-caused mini pandemic will rouse liberals out of the fevered delusion that this president somehow has the best interests of the nation’s children at heart.

What is obvious is that Barack Obama does have the best interests of children at heart: illegal immigrant children harboring viruses and communicable diseases. American children who are defenseless against the onslaught, not so much.

Maybe liberals haven’t noticed yet, but it hasn’t taken all that long for the infective consequences of President Obama’s refusal to put Americans first to befall the most innocent among us. For starters, Ohio, California, and Kansas are just a few of the states already struggling to contain measles outbreaks.

Now, in addition to measles, more than 1,000 children in 10 states — Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa, Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Georgia — have suddenly become infected with a rare respiratory virus, not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s, called human Enterovirus EV-D68. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that the rare strain is related to the same rhinovirus responsible for causing the common cold.

The dire prediction is that in the coming weeks and months, Enterovirus EV-D68, origin unknown, is due to spread to all 50 states and afflict great numbers of otherwise healthy children.

Referring to borders between states, ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser said a mouthful when he pointed out that “Viruses don’t tend to respect borders.” The problem for America is that if international borders are not respected, viruses native to other countries migrate as well, and to date are being scattered around the nation, rather than deported.

What more potent a formula for disaster than “unaccompanied minors” with all sorts of contagious diseases coming across the border into our communities, and more specifically into our schools, where American children are now falling ill.

That’s why the obvious question is this: Where did Enterovirus EV-D68 originate and did it ‘entero’ the U.S. via illegal children?

Dr. Besser contended that enteroviruses tend to show up in the summer, which, this year, just so happens to coincide with thousands of unvaccinated and sickly illegal children infiltrating the U.S. border.

Besser also claimed the virus spreads when children go back to school. Unfortunately, what the good doctor chose not to mention is that viruses of unknown origin have more of an opportunity to spread if public schools are overrun with illegal students infected with God-knows-what.

Then Besser said, and this is a winner for sure, that “This particular Enterovirus EV-D68 is very rare and they have no idea why it showed up this year.”

If Dr. Richard Besser doesn’t suspect that the flood of children from south of the border are bringing with them all sorts of Third-World diseases and are likely the primary source of this and many other illnesses poised to become a problem, then maybe ABC News needs a new Chief Health and Medical Editor.

At Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado, between mid-August and early September doctors saw more than “900 pediatric patients with symptoms of the respiratory virus in the emergency room.” Eighty-six were admitted, and a small number of children, possibly even the offspring of Colorado Obama voters, ended up in the intensive care unit.

I guess for liberals, sedated kids on breathing tubes is but a small price to pay if it furthers Obama’s agenda to welcome “unaccompanied minors” into our nation, our classrooms, and, if it comes down to it, even into our children’s lung tissue.

Professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at New York University’s Langone Medical Center Dr. Marc Siegel wrote this in Slate magazine:

As many as 50,000 children, mostly from Central American countries… are not being detained for the purpose of identifying illness, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement relying on self-report of symptoms, and many have already been sent to other states, where disease can spread.

Predictably, the medical community and the CDC are blaming the spread of this “rare” virus on seasonal allergies and the start of the school year.

Rather than daring to suggest that illegal children could be the source and quarantining – or better yet, rounding up and sending home — “unaccompanied minors,” health officials are recommending hand-washing, avoiding other sick children, covering noses and mouths when sneezing and coughing, as well as “having a game plan” if a child with asthma suddenly turns blue and can’t breathe.

Instead of playing the politically-correct denial game, would it be so wrong to suggest that the emergence of a new strain of childhood virus could be a result of the 112% increase in the numbers of new “unaccompanied minors” streaming into the country, carrying with them diseases either new, rare, or altogether eradicated from the U.S. for decades?

Either way, this season it looks like Enterovirus EV-D68 is here to stay, and will probably reach all 50 states.

As for the liberals who thought that voting for Barack Obama and supporting his so-called “compassionate immigration policies” somehow exempted them or their children from contagious diseases, they had better think again.

Rest assured, things are about to get much uglier for liberals and conservatives, adults and children alike, all of whom are at risk of being exposed, thanks to Barack Obama’s liberal agenda, to the terrors of communicable diseases and viruses much worse than Enterovirus EV-D68.


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