Ut Oh! Where’s President Knucklehead Smiff’s Scripted Remarks?

knucklehead_smiff_toy_0031-300x225Originally posted at The Blacksphere

This week the nation found out two very important things:  If you heckle Michelle Obama, she’ll shut up and leave; and if you don’t give Obama written remarks, she has nothing to say except “Uhhh…Uh…Uhhh…People!”

In San Jose, California, prior to arriving at the Sunnylands China-US diplomacy summit, Mr. Obama (who’s going stag for the weekend) sauntered out to the podium at a Democratic fundraising event to say a few words about things like the NSA scandal.  Once there, he found out that if someone doesn’t tell him what to say, he doesn’t know what to say.

Not only was the trusty Teleprompter missing, but the Paul Winchell Obama aides had forgotten to provide President Knucklehead Smiff with his remarks.

Standing there like a big doofus, Obama said, “My remarks are not sitting here. I’m uhhh….people….oh goodness….uhhhh…folks are sweating back there right now.”

No – the one who was sweating it right there was the big shot whose only aptitude is looking from side to side to read off a pair of Teleprompters, like a bobblehead or a tennis spectator.

Stuttering and stammering Barack Obama being viewed as some sort of eloquent orator is like a person who can barely scramble an egg being promoted as a world-renowned chef.  It’s bogus!


Anyway, while a group of people stood around behind him giggling uncomfortably, to bide time Obama shifted around, smiled, and mumbled these inspiring words: “Uhhh…um…ah…um…uhhh” – until some lackey who nearly tripped over their own feet stumbled out with a script so that the most knowledgeable, insightful, articulate speechmaker in the history of the world knew what it was he was supposed to say.

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