Combat Blumenthal the Chameleon – American Thinker. – May 22, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog

The White House has publicly stated Connecticut chameleon Richard Blumenthal’s Vietnam veteran pretense is no big deal.  For Democrats, the motto is, “Whatever it takes to get elected.”  And if the victory vehicle includes stretching the truth, don’t the ends justify the means?

Blumenthal… found himself on the defensive when the NY Times reported … he had repeatedly claimed that he had served in Vietnam. Blumenthal was in the Marine Reserves during the Vietnam War, but did not serve in Vietnam. Blumenthal says he misspoke about his record unintentionally and that it happened only a few times out of hundreds of public appearances.

If Blumenthal was thinking on his feet, the attorney general should have feigned a head injury to explain poor memory and a shaky grip on the facts.

Unlike Blumenthal, President Obama has mastered the practice of false pretext. So it stands to reason, if charades work for Barry, camouflage should also work for other Democrats running for public office.

Barack pretended to be politically moderate, experienced, post racial, as well as the human embodiment of hope and change. So why shouldn’t fellow Democrats follow the Leader’s lead? Because Barry Soetoro, which is Obama’s real name, has proven to be none of those things.

It works like this, politicians spend a season observing the American electorate and taking copious notes to determine what the public esteems, after which a false persona is fashioned upon the values observed.

Take for instance, as a precursor to seeking the Democrat nomination for President, Hillary Clinton moving to NY from Arkansas. Donning a Yankees cap and running for office in the Empire State, swearing the whole time to never run for higher office then, after becoming junior Senator, running for president.

Or how about a closet Democrat from Pennsylvania running for Senate as a Republican and then governing like a Democrat? Then, when the state shifts left, changing parties in hopes of winning the next election.

In fact, if planning to run for President of the United States, there’s even room for dodging Constitutional restraints, just hide your birth certificate and refuse to produce the original.

If biracial –procure minority votes by distancing yourself from familial, Caucasian heritage. Identify only with African roots and promote yourself as the first, Black, historic…whatever.

Obama was schooled in Indonesia, changed his birth name to an Islamic name then, for political expediency, joined a racist, anti-Semite church pretended to be Christian, ran for office, got elected, after which he never set foot in church again. So why can’t “Nutmeg State” soldier Blumenthal pretend to have participated in combat with the Viet Cong?

Blumenthal impressed potential voters by pretending to be veteran because the attorney general knew Americans respect military service. The Vietnam War has emotional influence over baby boomers, so Richard chose Vietnam.

And what’s the big deal anyway?  If double-dealing “happens only a few times,” misspeaking “unintentionally” shouldn’t be held against a potential candidate’s character –just ask Barack, I mean Barry.

Obama aka Soetoro spokesperson Robert Gibbs, when asked about Blumenthal pretending to experience Apocalypse Now style combat in Vietnam, replied, “I have not heard anything from the (White House) political shop that would lead me to believe anything other than our continued support.”

Maybe what the indomitable Gibbs meant to say was, “I have not heard anything from the White House that would lead me believe or recognize anything even remotely resembling the truth?”

Cartoon by cartoonist SooperMexicon

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