Originally posted at American Thinker. blog
It appears the President of the United States can’t contain his disdain for America’s historical roots. On Independence Day, instead of stressing the awesome concepts of the Declaration of Independence, Obama managed to turn a BBQ into an opportunity to disparage our founders, foster class warfare and further division.
On July 4th the Commander-in-Chief invited the military to a White House cookout and then used the occasion to skewer the Founding Fathers. Rather than depicting America as “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all,” once again Barack-the-great-divider separated America into factions and brought up a time in our history where, in his view, America lacked, “civil rights and voting rights, workers’ rights and women’s rights.”
A casually dressed Obama, who couldn’t make Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery, appeared on the balcony high above the active-duty military and their families who were waving flags and wearing red, white and blue face paint. The President, with Michelle at his side, spoke to the group, saying that today may be Independence Day, but “Today we also celebrate all of you, the men and women of our armed forces, who defend this country we love.”
While America focused on Cedric the Entertainer, the U.S. Marine band, Sabrett® hot dogs, Obama’s short-sleeved polo shirt, and the outstanding potato salad, the thing that was the most telling about the event were Obama’s sentiments when he said the following:
We celebrate the principles that are timeless, tenets first declared by men of property and wealth but which gave rise to what Lincoln called a new birth of freedom in America-civil rights and voting rights, workers’ rights and women’s rights, and the rights of every American. And on this day that is uniquely American we are reminded that our Declaration, our example, made us a beacon to the world.
Eerily comfortable on a balcony delivering a speech to the crowd below, Obama surreptitiously served up the founding fathers of this nation like shish kabob, disparaging them as merely “men of property and wealth.” Then Obama, who identifies himself with a great president who freed slaves rather than made new ones, in an underhanded way elevated Abraham Lincoln above the evil white men who dared to own property and accumulate personal wealth with a simple qualifying “but.”
For Obama, the “birth of freedom” at our nation’s founding doesn’t quite cut the hot dog mustard. Instead Barry relishes what followed: “civil rights, voting rights, workers’ rights and women’s rights,” and hopefully soon, illegal immigrants’ rights. Apparently, in the president’s mind, “social justice” is what makes us “uniquely American.”
Obama’s words indicate a view that addendums to independence are far superior to the miracle of our nation’s birth and the genius of the men who founded this nation.
It is a travesty that an ungrateful, misguided American president implied America’s freedom is “a beacon to the world,” merely because of women’s suffrage and workers’ rights.
Our nation’s greatness was and is exhibited by the fact that dirt poor men like Samuel Adams and men of “wealth and property” like Thomas Jefferson believed so much in freedom that, unlike Barack Obama, of one mind and one accord America’s founders put aside many differences to lay the foundation for our nation’s liberty and glorious, God-given independence.
There it is!
Really nice and interesting post. I was looking for this kind of information and enjoyed reading this one.