Liberal Women Speak with a Whole New Voice

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog

As a group, Democrats provide tons of fodder for humor. But by far the most ridiculous thing liberal women have done to date is dress up like female genitalia to make a statement at the RNC.

When attending political events, conservatives usually don stars and stripes — the symbol of patriotism. On the other hand, Code Pink arriving in Tampa dressed like giant vaginas says a lot about how they perceive themselves.  Rest assured, the women wearing pink genital suits are the same ones who, under different circumstances, would be offended if men viewed them as, well, walking vaginas.

Nevertheless, Code Pink is most recognizable as the liberal group of anti-war protesters headed up by former economist/nutritionist Medea Benjamin — not to be confused with Tyler Perry’s Madea, star of Madea’s Big Happy Family.

Besides encouraging women to dress in odd-looking pink costumes, Code Pink’s Medea spends most of her time fighting for peace and social justice and handcuffing herself to the gates of the White House.  Ms. Benjamin is so dedicated an activist that in 2005 she was one of “1000 women collectively nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.”

This year, convention-buster Medea and her band of oversized vaginas descended on Tampa with a specific goal.  Besides being there to arrest Condoleezza Rice for war crimes, the peace-loving V-Girls are also combining their efforts to send a message to Mitt the millionaire and to hold up flamingo pink “Celebrate Life End the War” banners in protest of the GOP’s “attack” on abortion rights.

A troupe of  “dancing vaginas” had plans to dance it up at Marco Rubio’s Cuban event, pop in on NRA Second Amendment events, and raise eyebrows at a faith-centered gathering held by feminist enemy #1 Ralph Reed and his evangelical Faith and Freedom coalition.

When asked why the RNC protest crowds were so small this year, head vajay-jay Medea came up with excuses that ranged from protestors’ disgust with the two-party system to the inclement weather to implying that Occupy Wall Street didn’t show because the anti-Semitic class warriors living in tents while toting around iPhones and MacBooks, tend to be “very poor people” that can’t afford airfare.

Although the police were pleasant, Medea said that the girls felt like vaginas stuck in a war zone. Speaking on behalf of the pink polyester-clad group, Ms. Benjamin said the “barricades and fences” made all the ladies “feel sort of like terrorists.”

The Code Pink spokes-vagina expressed the opinion that she felt the police presence was “overkill,” because only “a handful of …black bloc kids were smashing a window or two.”  Evidently, Medea doesn’t have a problem with vandals smashing windows because “insurance companies pay the businesses to replace the windows.”

Besides making a statement in protest of Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” comment, above all the vaginas’ main objective was to address Paul Ryan’s budget, which all the ladies (plus one man secure enough in his manhood to dress up like a vagina) fear will slash “essential services to poor women” and cut funding to highly-esteemed abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

So this time it’s happening in Tampa, Florida – left-wing protestors have clothed themselves in the sort of attire that allows liberal women – who often accuse men of thinking with their genitals for lack of a normal brain – to show America that their intelligence resides in that same region.

Moreover, while it’s unlikely that contraceptive queen Sandra Fluke will don a vagina suit for her star turn at the DNC podium, based on the source of her below-the-belt emphasis wearing one could sum up the entire point of her message without her ever having to utter a single word.

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