Is Obama Exploiting Poland to Instigate a Crisis?

Barack Obama, Donald TuskOriginally posted at American Thinker.

Barack Obama should take a break from Sunday siestas, defending desert turtles, and scarfing plates of $300 “endangered bluefin tuna” sushi. Then, maybe he’d have the time to shed some light on the rationale behind promising ex-KGB intelligence officer Vladimir Putin that after the 2012 election he’d “have more flexibility” in his future dealings with Russia.

Hadn’t Obama already kowtowed to Russian pressure concerning missile defense in Eastern Europe? At the time, Putin called Obama’s disloyalty to Poland “correct and brave,” while former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called the decision “a gift” to Russia, who Romney later referred to as “our No. 1 geopolitical foe.”

Now, as Pectoralis Major Putin exhibits yet another show of strength by engaging in military exercises on the Ukrainian border, the Pentagon’s press secretary, Rear Adm. John Kirby, announces that an initial contingent (as in, more to follow) of 600 ground troops will flex America’s muscles at Russia by conducting military exercises of their own in Eastern Europe.

All was well when Obama dropped missile defense in Poland and told Dmitry Medvedev that after the 2012 election he’d “have more flexibility.” But things began to go south after Obama, looking somewhat like a wuss on the world stage, attempted to compensate by being big and butch at the G8 Summit in Ireland. Toughening his stance, Obama strong-armed Putin by claiming first dibs on the hotel gym. That workout standoff could be what led a steamed Putin to embark on an icy early morning swim in Lough Erne River to plot his revenge.

After that, in another exhibition of boundless hubris, America’s first gay president attempted to give Putin a figurative noogie by sending a delegation of homosexuals to the gay-unfriendly Sochi Olympic Games in Russia.  That provocative move may have been what incited Putin to bestow on former Russian figure skater Irina Rodnina, the woman who tweeted a racist picture of the first lady and the president, the honor of lighting the Olympic torch.

At this juncture what’s clear is that the Russian president has zero respect for his American adversary.  Meanwhile, Barack Obama has proven to be so weak and infantile, it’s as if Putin is amusing himself by shooting at Obama’s feet to make him hop around doing a ‘bullet dance.’

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, as the juvenile tit-for-tat continues the stakes have become much higher, and now instead of gym space and gay rights, peace and World War III hang in the balance. Which raises the question: Why all of a sudden is Obama displaying concern for Eastern Europe’s welfare and taking a defensive stance against Russia? 

Well, according to the Rear Admiral, deploying troops is a “very tangible representation of our commitment to our security obligations in Europe, and the message is to the people of those countries and to the alliance that we do take it seriously.” 

Aren’t “the people of those countries” the very allies Obama betrayed when he gave Pootie-Poot Putin a perverted thrill by abandoning missile defense? Rear Admiral Kirby continued, “And I think if there’s a message to Moscow, it is the same exact message – that we take our obligations very, very seriously on the continent of Europe.”

That message is quite different from the one Mr. Flexibility sent Russia in 2010 when, eight months after shelving missile defense he insulted the Republic of Poland a second time by golfing instead of attending President Lech Kaczynski’s funeral after Kaczynski, his wife, and dozens of Polish government officials were killed in a foggy plane crash in Smolensk, Russia.

Let’s face it, if it raises money for the DNC Barack Obama would probably be willing to be lowered into a molten sulfur pit. Yet Obama says he missed the Polish president’s funeral because a scary volcano in Iceland was spewing volcanic ash. Barry’s Eyjafjallajökull apology must have tickled the funny bone of Vlad, who for sport dodges icebergs while swimming in the Siberian River.

But what makes no sense is that after repeatedly insulting Poland, supposedly because of concerns over “security obligations in Europe,” Barack Obama – via the Pentagon – is now willing to disregard the danger of potentially ramping up a conflict with Russia that some say could bring the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Based on the turn of events, and although it’s pure speculation, one can only surmise that Obama’s Eastern European defense is based on something other than worries about the safety of Eastern Europeans. In the end, “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” is the only obligation Cloward and Piven’s star pupil Barack Obama has ever really been committed to.

Think about it – thus far, the list of accomplishments Mr. Obama can take credit for include the ruination of the U.S. economy, cutting a swathe through America’s job market, and initiating the undoing of the greatest healthcare system in the world.  In addition, after occupying the office of president for six years, with his approval approximately seven million unborn babies have been aborted at the rate of about 3,000 per day.

Obama’s open-borders policy has inundated our country with criminal illegal aliens who are given preference over American citizens. Our nation’s allies are insulted, our enemies emboldened, and, as witnessed in Benghazi, radical Islam is revitalized. 

The national debt has been run up to unheard-of levels, the hardworking are punished with high taxes, Christians are persona non grata, the First Amendment is in shreds and the Second Amendment is dangerously close to the shredder as well.  And because Barack Obama has systematically decimated the U.S. military and diminished America’s nuclear arsenal, any sane person would agree that now is not the best time to tempt fate with military altercations.

But military unpreparedness matters little, because Barack Obama has already proven that if it puts a cherry on top of his ‘fundamental transformation’ sundae, he would gladly tweak an international crisis.  And if pissing off Vladimir Putin by feigning concern for Eastern Europe accomplishes that goal, then so be it.

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