Michelle Obama a Senator from Illinois?

Michelle-Obama-Dance-Lets-MoveOriginally posted at American Thinker. blog

After Michelle and Barry leave the White House – if they leave the White House, which is certainly up in the air – there are rumors afoot that they may emulate Bill and Hillary and take up residence as far away from each other as humanly possible.  To add intrigue to connubial conjecture, it is also alleged that Michelle may do a Hillary Clinton and run for a Senate seat in Illinois.

Speculation abounds that when she’s not “playing politics with our kid’s health,” doing the Dougie on late-night talk shows, vacationing with mom and the girls, scolding schools begging to opt out of her vegetarian stuffed cabbage lunch, or giving hubby the ole stink eye, Shelley has her other eye on a seat in the Illinois senate.

It is already firmly established that Michelle Obama relishes the trappings of power, frittering away tax dollars, and bossing large numbers of people around.  Moreover, if she makes her mind up about something, she absolutely refuses to take “no” for an answer, so it makes sense she’d want to embark on a political career of her own.

To date, just like Hillary Clinton has not officially expressed interest in parking her pantsuit in the Oval Office, the FLOTUS has not officially expressed interest in running for the Senate.

However, her recent foray into politics has Washington, D.C. tongues wagging.  After all, Michelle has taken a diplomatic trip to China and debated (more like berated) Republicans critical of her overbearing, bad-tasting, calorie-deficient school lunch program.  Michelle has raised beaucoup bucks for Democrats and sent personal #hashtag messages to Boko Haram. 

All in all, with those kinds of credentials the FLOTUS has much more experience than her husband had in 2008 when he decided to run for president and “fundamentally transform” the United States of America.

If Michelle were to decide to dip her size 11.5 feet into the political waters in 2016 and attempt to unseat Republican Mark Kirk, according to a Public Polling Policy survey she’s got a good shot.  The survey says Mrs. Obama would pick up 51 percent of the vote, Kirk 40 percent.

As an added bonus, if senatorial hopeful LaVaughn-Robinson-Obama does decide to run, Illinois resident Oprah Winfrey will have her back, and, unlike Hillary, the South Side, Chicago native won’t have to resort to wasting time and possibly a full-term carpet-bagging in a blue state.

Regardless of whether she runs and decides to dedicate herself full-time to fostering racial animosity and furthering the socialist agenda, what’s unique about the idea is that Michelle could surpass both Hillary and Barack in the first politically correct president realm. 

In 2016, Grandma Hillary Clinton is planning on smashing through the “highest hardest glass ceiling” and replacing our first biracial president to become America’s first baby-boomer former first lady to be elected president for two – count ’em, two – long, grueling terms.  

Then, in 2024, with the help of illegal aliens, ex-ACORN community organizers, and the New Black Panthers, Michelle, who will be 60 years old by then and probably a grandmother herself, could become our very first former best-dressed first lady/African-American female president.

So America has 16 years of exciting political possibilities ahead.  After Barack Obama leaves town – if he leaves town – President Clinton and her dashing First Gentleman (ahem) Bill hope to grace 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue again with their glorious selves for another fabulous eight years.  If America survives those two terms, Hillary could very well be followed by Illinois senator/prospective presidential hopeful Michelle, who, if she runs and wins, would move back into the White House with Mr. “Fundamental Transformation” himself, Barack – and really finish us off.


  1. 不連続ゲルシステムでの電気泳動では、電気泳動の初期段階でイオン勾配が形成され、すべてのタンパク質が単一の鋭いバンドに集中する等速電気泳動(英語版)と呼ばれるプロセスが起こる。 』の月 – 金曜日で編成。 』月 – 金曜日の17:45頃から放送。今日の拡散希望さん」、水 – 金曜日に「聞いてよ大吉!今日の拡散希望さん」というタイトルを使用。当事者がリポーターを介さない生中継を通じて、視聴者に拡散させたい情報を伝える。 その場合には、視聴者から質問を募集したうえで、「山中(大吉)が直接聞いて見んと!

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  3. 編成内にゆかりを含んでeco属性のでんこが4人以上いれば、編成内のeco属性のでんこのDEFが増加する。 レベル92以上では編成内全員がeco属性の場合、先頭車両のDEFがさらに増加する。明治九年三月七日、徳の幼弟季男が生れて二歳にして夭した。
    「ゆかりな話」において、服だけでなく名前も姉のもの(つまり「八日市ゆかり」は偽名であり、本名は不明)であることと、姉は既に修復が中止になって支部に放置されていること、そしてマスターに復讐するために姉を装って現代に来たことが明かされている。 かつて所属していた協会の支部が財政難だったため、質素倹約が得意。 モデルが鹿児島市交通局7500形電車「ユートラムⅢ」のため、名字の郡元は指宿枕崎線の同名駅との混同に注意。

  4. 藤沢敦 「不安定な古墳の変遷」『倭国の形成と東北』 吉川弘文館、2015年10月、132頁。八木光則 「古墳時代併行期の北日本」『倭国の形成と東北』 吉川弘文館、2015年10月、156頁。藤沢敦 「古墳時代から飛鳥・荒井秀規
    「神奈川古代史素描 ヤマト王権の進出と足柄評の分割」 『考古論叢神奈河』7 神奈川県考古学会、1998年4月、45-46頁。

  5. 案の定、オーベルトはリオにいた。パレードの最中、山車で踊る侏儒の男と共に姿を現したオーベルトは、ゴルゴに一騎討ちを申し出る。愛知(名古屋)の対決場所は藤村Dの実家の喫茶店「ラディッシュ」(2014年1月閉店)だったため、「(これ以上いるのは恥ずかしいから)早く出たい」と嘆く藤村Dをよそに、鈴井の提案により食べ終わったらテレマークではなく「おいしかったよ母さん」とコールすることが急遽決定。 ナポリに現れたゴルゴは、偶然出会った母子家族の家に泊まる。 これを偶然入手した警察の捜査がゴルゴに行き着く。 その間に拳銃強盗の疑いがかかるが、疑いは晴れ、ゴルゴはその家を去る。 そこにゴルゴが現れ、各々が自分を狙う殺し屋では?

  6. It was Fama, considered one of his students, who utilized it to the stock market and pointed out an interesting corollary: if stock prices already replicate every little thing that is understood and knowable, then traders can’t hope to outperform the market using buying and selling methods based mostly on publicly obtainable info.

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