Originally posted at American Thinker.
Lately it’s hard to take John Boehner and his Coppertone tan seriously. However, when it appeared that the House Majority Speaker was proactively taking the wind out of Barack Obama’s ‘they want to impeach me’ sails, there was a glimmer of hope that someone on the right had actually grown a spine.
Republicans reiterating that impeachment was not an option exhibited a rare unified spirit. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) even hobbled up to the mic to reinforce Boehner’s proclamation that impeaching Barack Obama was a talking point that Democrats, not Republicans, were going on about.
Is that a pulse? Could it be that finally, after six long years of waiting, the geriatric wing of the Republican Party had actually mustered the strength to block the president’s desperate effort to divert attention prior to the midterms in November?
Or could it be that Obama’s pathetic attempt to garner sympathy at the expense of Republicans is a Saul Alinsky tactic?
Think about it -– the impeachment chatter on the left may very well ensure that the very thing Obama is accusing the right of wanting to do -– and goading them into vowing not to do it -– will clear the way for the president to do whatever he darn well pleases without obstruction.
After pointedly proclaiming that impeachment is off the table, Republicans will not be able to appropriately respond to impeachable offenses without looking like idiots who can’t keep their word.
Not for nothing, as they say in Brooklyn, but if this is the left’s strategy, it’s downright brilliant!
In Rule #4 of his book Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky advises his merry band of Lucifer-loving Alinskyites, one of whom is Barack Obama, to “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” Saul says that after you do, “you can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.”
Here is how the impeachment/no impeachment gambit would work:
Valerie, Barry, and the crew hatch the idea to accuse the Republicans of wanting to impeach Obama, and then they float the rumor that the allegation is just the left’s way of trying to divert attention before the midterm elections.
Responding according to plan, the Republicans crawl to the podium and with a unified front they issue a firm denunciation of impeachment. Pried from his tanning bed, John Boehner proudly calls impeachment talk “all a scam started by Democrats at the White House,” adding, “We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans.”
This smacks of a Saul Alinsky Rule #4 “gotcha” if ever there was one, because John and Mitch may have been abruptly hooked by Barack Obama’s bait.
If they have, from the president’s standpoint this may be a bigger catch than Osama Bin Laden, because it paves the way for what Alinsky advised when he said, “make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” — and that would mean that America loses.
How, you ask, does America lose by Republicans vowing not to impeach?
Easy! After Obama breaks the rules, thanks to their own proclamation, Republicans are now beholden to the rulebook they themselves created. As a result, this subversive president, against the will of the American people, can now dive without impediment into the impeachable offense of granting amnesty to millions of lawbreaking individuals.
After what looked like an attempt to blow the president’s scam and head off a stealthy maneuver, Republicans may have been majorly conned into tying their own hands, which, if that was the goal, is precisely what the president would have hoped for.
Now, if Obama acts without Congressional approval, if those who said they had no plans to impeach turn around and move to impeach, Barack ‘Alinsky Junior’ Obama is ‘fundamentally transformed,’ in the eyes of the public, into a misunderstood victim, persecuted by a band of bumbling politicians on the right who broke their word.
Either way, Barack Obama wins!
Obama accuses the right of wanting to impeach him, hoping that the Republicans will rush to the fore to disarm the ploy, which they do.
Then the Republicans who thought they were big and butch when they rejected the idea of impeachment are hamstrung by the very rules Obama provoked them into creating. Now, with the opposition securely hooked through the jaw, by fiat the president can inflict upon America yet another one of his destructive policies.
If all goes according to plan, amnesty will be granted to six million illegals by executive order, and because of an oath that should never have been made, Republicans will be forced to stand helplessly by, thus fulfilling Rule #4 of Alinsky’s radical rulebook.