Originally posted at American Thinker
While we wait for an official inquiry into the possible correlation between the COVID vaccine and sudden death syndrome, a more pressing COVID-related probe was recently taken on by a group of Canadians whose research linked vaccine hesitancy with a high likelihood of — are you ready? — traffic accidents.
Research studies are fine, but making a statistical correlation between COVID vaccination and car accidents is about as convincing to the sane as blaming Amtrak derailments on people with toenail fungus or oil spills on tinnitus. What next? Vaccine status will dictate who gets a driver’s license? Yup.
Published this month in The American Journal of Medicine, the 2021 study is entitled “Covid Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash.” Heading the project, researchers Donald A. Redelmeier, Jonathan Wang, and Deva Thiruchelvam were granted access to 11 million encrypted electronic “government held records.” After analyzing the data, the trio concluded that the 1,760,000 Canadian drivers who rebelliously bucked the system by refusing to be treated like lab rats were at a higher risk of causing bloody automobile crashes.
To reach that conclusion, the data considered
a total of 11,270,763 individuals … of whom 16% had not received a COVID vaccine and 84% had received a COVID vaccine. The cohort accounted for 6,682 traffic crashes during follow-up. Unvaccinated individuals accounted for 1,682 traffic crashes (25%), equal to a 72% increased relative risk compared with those vaccinated (95% confidence interval, 63-82; P < 0.001)[.] … The increased risks extended across the spectrum of crash severity, appeared similar for Pfizer, Moderna, or other vaccines, and were validated in supplementary analyses of crossover cases, propensity scores, and additional controls.
Based on those data, when making far-fetched assumptions, pro-vax researchers shouldn’t stop at car accidents. The Canadian findings should be ample evidence to safely assume that the unvaccinated are guilty of the lion’s share of robberies, rapes, and axe murders. After all, in some circles, an unvaccinated person sharing airspace with the vaccinated is grounds for attempted murder.
After replicating the analysis for a negative control group suffering from “uncomplicated constipation,” the study finally concluded that “COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with an increased risk of a traffic crash,” which convinced the three researchers to exonerate the immunized from culpability in Canadian car crashes.
In the article, the scholars admit that “COVID vaccination is an objective, available, important, authenticated, and timely indicator of human behavior — albeit in a domain separate from motor vehicle traffic crashes.” Nonetheless, the authors also warn that the excess risk of car crashes posed by unvaccinated drivers “exceeds the safety gains from modern automobile engineering advances and also imposes risks on other road users.” That conclusion comes from the same type of government goon squad that has persuaded the gullible that the COVID virus threat does not exceed gains garnered from safety efforts such as jamming Q-tip swabs up everyone’s nose, twice weekly.
Then, in hopes of goading those who remain vaccine-hesitant to visit a local walk-in clinic, the optimistic researchers went on to write that “[a]wareness of these risks might help encourage more COVID vaccination.” Obviously, the research team thinks that appealing to Canada’s better angels will convince the unvaccinated that a fatal pileup on Highway 401 will be avoided if they submit to a series of vaccinations they’d rather forgo. If the hesitant choose to pass on an inoculation that has more vaccinated individuals currently dying from COVID, research “findings suggest that unvaccinated adults need to be careful indoors with other people and outside with surrounding traffic.”
Considering all these factors, surprisingly, the data failed to account for other possible COVID-related road dangers. Take, for instance, how many misadventures since 2021 were caused by unvaccinated drivers attempting to outrun government officials in white lab coats brandishing handfuls of hypodermic needles, chasing them down at high speeds. Or what effect do vaccinated drivers, swerving all over Canadian roadways, in the throes of an arrhythmia, have on lethal vehicular incidents? Not to mention the hazard of vaccination advocates being unable to see the road clearly with a permanent surgical mask obscuring their view.
Research grants and phony assumptions aside, both Canadians and Americans are trapped in a world where good is bad, “democracy” limits free speech, males are females (and vice versa), frigid weather is “global warming,” hocus-pocus means “following the science,” and convenience killing is admired as “mercy” and “choice.” Thus, regardless of what the data indicate, whether driving, walking, or lying prone on a hospital stretcher, hesitancy to make a rash medical decision should still be valued, and blind submission to medical coercion should still be deemed “risky,” not the other way around.
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