Michelle Admits She ‘Couldn’t Stand’ Barry

Originally posted at American Thinker

While promoting her self-help book The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, during a “cross-generational” conversation in Atlanta, Michelle Obama shared deep thoughts with a panel moderated by American radio personality, rapper, singer, actress, and toady Angie Martinez.

The star-studded, “powerful” women of color on the panel also included singer, actress, and television personality Kelly Rowland; Beyoncé’s mama, Tina “Knowles” Lawson; vitiligo spokesperson/model Winnie Harlow; and H.E.R., AKA Gabi Wilson, a singer, songwriter, musician, and actress.

In The Light We Carry, Michelle Obama penned a chapter entitled “Partnering Well.”  Based on decades of Michelle Obama’s unstinting extension of political compromise, racial conciliation, and partisan collegiality, she now must feel qualified to counsel others on how to get along with those they secretly hate.  This time, the always relatable Michelle chose to make her point by shedding “light” on her love/hate partnership with husband Barack.

Much to everyone’s surprise, soft and embraceable Michelle admitted that for more than a decade, she “couldn’t stand” her spouse.  From 1992 until 2002, while Barry was strategizing his passage from a community activist to ruler of the world, Michelle was silently aiming her death stare at someone other than Trump.

One must admit that it is impressive how Michelle manages to paint herself as the victim of whatever circumstance she happens to find herself in.  Furthermore — not that this is a competition — it’s been many years since Barack Obama graced the world stage with his awesomeness.  Yet, unlike Michelle, there are hundreds of millions of Americans who still “can’t stand” him.

As an outspoken activist, Michelle has built her reputation on perpetual scorekeeping.  The recompense for injustice that Shelley O demands comes at a high price.  If she perceives things as “uneven,” rest assured: she’ll despise you for it.

As the rapt REVOLT TV panelists listened, FLOTUS-44 shared how she suffered through ten years of connubial loathing:

Because you know, you can be all great individually when you’re just married. You got your life, he’s got his, you come together. … It’s all, “ooh, good to see you! Bye, take it easy! You’re travelling? That’s great! Good, I get to hang out and watch the TV I want to watch.”

The stirring orator elaborated further:

But the minute we had kids it was like, “Where are you going? And how far?” … It’s like, that’s when the measuring starts, because you got this project. … For ten years, while we’re trying to build our careers, and worrying about school and who’s doing what, I was like [grrrr], this isn’t even.

When has this rancorous, put upon, racially hostile brat ever missed an opportunity to measure?  Mrs. Obama wants America to believe she didn’t start measuring until Malia was born?  If 1998 was the year Michelle started measuring, that means she was hating on hubby right up until the couple moved into that big, white house, “built by slaves.”

“And guess what!”  During the first decade of marriage, America’s “forever first lady” discovered that

“marriage isn’t 50/50, ever.  There were ten years where I couldn’t stand my husband … and guess when that happened.  When those kids were little, right?”

When it comes to Michelle Obama, trust me, 50/50 would never be enough.

The fact that Michelle revealed that she felt she was being treated unfairly by a man who portrays himself as a feminist shows that she holds grudges and loves exacting public retribution on those who least expect it.  Using a bestselling book to depict her husband as a clueless caveman is passive-aggressive retaliation at its finest.  What did he do — leave his socks on the floor, or tell her he wasn’t a fan of her post–White House braids?

After bludgeoning Barack with emotional gobbledygook, inimical Obama attempted to make nice by saying, but “I would take 10 bad years over 30.  It’s just how you look at it, right?  And people give up after five years.”  It’s a good thing she didn’t “give up,” because, to date, these two race-baiting leftists have managed to amass a $135-million+ empire.

Endeavoring to ice over the negativity, Michelle transitioned toward conciliation and “the work” that being in a longstanding marriage requires.  First, she explained that when the initial “honeymoon period” was over, hormonal frenzy morphed into hatred.  Then, six years later, she was “punished with a baby.”  After that, Michelle admitted that she was no longer smitten with the community activist/fundamental transformer who had won her heart while writing Alinsky love notes on a blackboard in a South Side Chicago church basement.

When deciding whether to stay in the marriage, Michelle attempted to redeem the day and comfort the stunned by assuring them that everything was fine, explaining:

You’ve gotta know your person. Do you like him? You could be mad at him, but do you still look at him and go, “I’m not happy with you, but I respect you”? “I don’t agree with you but you’re still a kind, smart person.”

It’s hard to believe that everywhere this woman goes, obsequious dullards grace her with groveling adoration.  Think about it.  First Michelle shared that she was “unhappy” and was “mad” at Barry.  Then she inferred she felt Barack pursued his political career at her expense, which justified her “hating” him for one third of their marriage.  Then, after receiving the commiseration she felt she rightly deserved, Michelle indirectly implied that she’s still married to Barry because she liked him and respected him and knew, deep down, that he was a “kind, smart person.”

If this saga is true, this “pity-party-poor-me” bull session smacks more of Stockholm syndrome than matrimonial remorse.

Either way, it would be great if a critical thinker attended these sycophantic gatherings.  Someone bright enough to logically parse Obama’s contradictory bombast.  Someone with the temerity to challenge the blathering dichotomy this charlatan indulges in every time opens her yapper on another one of her bogus “#1 New York Times, USA Today bestseller, 100 must-read” book tours.


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