Allen West Nips Back

Based on the constant barrage of anti-female allegations directed at Representative Allen West (R-FL) spewing forth from the mouth of Democrat shill Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Ms. Schultz has proven she’s no fan of Lieutenant Colonel Allen West. Wasserman Schultz has already accused the decorated war hero of wearing “extreme …

The Cocoa-Puff Challenge

Posted at Renew America Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (R-FL) can hardly host a town hall meeting or public event without being harassed by rowdy protesters who resent the Florida Congressman’s conservative politics.  West’s events are regularly disrupted by “sunshine blowing” CAIR activists, former Air America radio hosts, Robocall campaigners, and …

Loving women to death

Originally posted at the Daily Caller Newly appointed head of the Democratic National Committee and Democrat attack dog, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), the woman who has built a reputation on the left for casting aspersions on behalf of female injustice, recently made a blanket statement that all pro-life Republicans …

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