Brandenburg Barack Reprimands Donald Trump

Originally posted at American Thinker.

Time and experience have taught Americans that we either agree with the Barack Obama or become the object of his wrath.  The former president is so physically uncomfortable with disapproval that he becomes myopically fixated and seems obsessed with the mission of convincing his critics otherwise.

There’s no doubt that Obama perceives the 2016 election as a complete rejection of everything he stands for. That’s why; of late, the ex-president seems compelled to correct those he perceives as having rejected what it is he believes.

So, when not kite-surfing in Tahiti, super yachting and relaxing in Teti’aroa, or gorging on Torta di Ceci in Tuscany, Obama is about the business of chastising Americans his eight years of continual haranguing did nothing to change and embarrassing the president those voters elected.

Take for instance Trump’s injunction concerning refugees and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries.

Unable to restrain the urge to express his opinion on the subject, the former POTUS waited just one week before having his spokesperson congratulate Americans for protesting the ban. That’s right, less than six months out of office and by inspiring thugs to oppose Trump with street violence; Obama has slipped back into the role of community organizer.

Then, as a representative of the government knowing better than parents, Obama, who was busy counting the $3.2 million stipend he pocketed in Milan, sent a “riled up” Michelle to the 2017 Healthier Future Summit, to rebuke Donald Trump for daring to implement a policy.

Obama’s proxy was so irate, she accused the current president of not caring about the same children both she and her husband would have aborted so as to never require a school lunch. In fact, Michelle equated minor nutritional adjustments to the menu with Trump feeding children “crap!”
More recently, Obama again exhibited his incapacity to control the urge to outmaneuver anyone disagreeing with, or getting more attention than him.

Rather than canceling the speech he supposedly committed to last year, and in hopes of seizing attention from Trump during his first international visit, Obama agreed to appear beside the chancellor who is orchestrating the Muslim conquest of Germany.

In the run-up to that speech, in hopes of offsetting Trump’s exposure, “Dear Barack” photo bombed the current president. To ensure everyone was aware he was in Europe, prior to meeting up with the women he spied on, Obama thrilled the European press by strutting around Tuscany in sunglasses, accompanied by a wife dressed in a shoulder-baring laced-up number that looked like a ripped sheet.

Then, just days after 22 youthful-corpses were lined up in a Manchester morgue, felled by a Libyan refugee/terrorist-administered nail bomb, at an event commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Obama exploited the event by discounting the value of finding a way to make it harder for terrorists to plant shrapnel in little girls.

Feeling compelled to add credence to absurdity, and to present a stark comparison an agenda he views as a personal affront, the ex-president garnered strength from the words of a liberal pop star who can’t co-exist with a husband, boyfriend, or Taylor Swift. Reacting to the Manchester massacre, singer and intellectual oracle Katy Perry pronounced that there should be “No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist.”  Such foolhardy gibberish was all the affirmation Obama needed to reconfirm his commitment to a message that emboldens extremists.

Obama also doubled down on former State Department SPOX Marie Harf’s suggestion that rehabilitating ISIS requires jobs programs. Without mentioning the far-right populist president’s name, in the shadow of Brandenburg Gate, the rock star usurper took it upon himself to school a man he clearly perceives to be intellectually inferior to himself, saying:

One way we can do a better job is to create more opportunities for people in their home countries. If there are disruptions in these countries, if there is bad governance, if there is war or if there is poverty, in this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves — we can’t hide behind a wall.

In Germany, Obama promoted “new world”-globalism telling the crowd that, according to loftier thinking, “We can’t isolate ourselves — we can’t hide behind a wall.”

The ex-president elaborated by adding “a child on the other side of the border is no less worthy of love and compassion than my own child. We can’t distinguish between them in terms of… worth and inherent dignity, and that they’re deserving of shelter and love and education and opportunity.”

That kind of liberal rationale comes from a well-practiced hypocrite.

If Obama doesn’t believe in walls, why then does he “isolate” himself behind the brick wall that surrounds his Washington, DC rental property?

Moreover, is Obama saying that the children on the other side of the wall outside his DC brick mansion are “less worthy of love and compassion” than Sasha and Malia? By blocking children out, is Barack distinguishing “between [children] in terms of their worth and inherent dignity, and [implying] that [only two are] deserving of shelter and love and education and opportunity?”

As for the children Obama cited in his speech, could some of those “deserving” cherubs be the adorable unaccompanied-minor MS-13 gang members his administration knowingly released onto American streets and who are currently hacking off heads on Long Island?

Either way, with all bloodshed in Britain, Barack was not about to waste an opportunity to adjust the attitude of his detractors, especially if doing so provided an excuse to elevate his philosophies above those of his successor.

And so, based on Obama’s comments, the reason the world’s greatest defender of failed liberal policy traveled all the way to Germany was not to commend Martin Luther, but as an excuse to crash Trump’s party, exalt his egotistical self, and to reaffirm among friends that his worldview is far superior to Donald Trump’s.|

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