Eye Rolls and Egg Rolls at the White House


Over the past four years the Obamas have made it quite clear that Easter at the White House has nothing to do with Jesus, His death, or resurrection.

Instead, the White House Easter is about rolling eggs and rolling eyes, but hopefully not rolling papers.  This year at the 135th White House Egg Roll, which is on April Fool’s Day, there are plans to trick 30,000 attendees into believing that Easter at the White House is really about Easter.

It’s not!  This year the theme of the Easter function is “Be Healthy, Be Active, Be You!” which, on the holiest Christian holiday of the year, takes the focus off the true meaning of Jesus’ victory over death and the grave and places it on Michelle Obama and her “Let’s Move” initiative.  It’s sort of how Christ’s birth became all about Bo the first dog frolicking in the snow on the North Lawn.

With that in mind, don’t expect to see Easter lilies anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Instead, little kiddies, all excited about getting a candy basket stuffed with chocolate bunnies and marshmallow peeps from the president, will be gagging down kale chips and celery sticks and attempting to smile politely while wishing they were dead.

Jesus warned His disciples: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Based on the first lady’s emphasis on body over soul, apparently, despite sitting in the pews of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, Michelle never committed that particular Scripture verse to memory.

Nonetheless, the White House Egg Roll will include a bit of a personal note, because if Kid President Barack Obama had a son, he would look like special guest star Kid President Robbie Novak. In addition to Kid President, Tommy McFly will be MC-ing the event.  Hopefully, McFly doesn’t lose his head and land on any of the food in the cooking stations.

Read the rest of the article at The Blacksphere

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