Josh Earnest blames Vester on Congress’s failure to pass legislation that would have a ‘tangible impact in reducing gun violence’

alison-parker-vester-flanagan-adam-ward-640x480Originally posted at American Thinker.

A cold-blooded murder has rocked the nation.  In Virginia, 24-year-old WDBJ-TV reporter Alison Parker and her 27-year-old cameraman, Adam Ward, were doing a live interview when a former anchorman named Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams, gunned them down at close range.

It was reported that both Parker and Ward succumbed at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds.  After fleeing in a previously arranged rental car, Flanagan drove for hours before police closed in on him, at which point Flanagan, in a final paroxysm of self-pity, shot himself in the head and died shortly thereafter at a hospital.

Based on the content of Vester’s hate-filled, racially charged manifesto/suicide note, rather than taking to the streets of Baltimore to vent his anger or marching in the gay pride parade, the disgruntled minority gay man decided to kill two ex-coworkers.

Ironically, the former news anchor took out his aggression on the very media whose agenda includes reminding blacks and gays that they are being mistreated by a homophobic and racist white society.

In turn, after helping to spur a situation they probably thought would never affect them directly, media racial-grievance agitators lost two of their own.  In other words, Alison and Adam became frontline collateral damage.

Moreover, despite politically correct pot-stirring by race- and gender-baiters being the likely catalyst that made Flanagan feel justified in gunning down two people, once again, the White House is exploiting a tragedy to advance an anti-gun agenda.

Let’s not forget: the Obama administration has ignored the murder of Kate Steinle at the hands of a five-times-deported illegal felon in the sanctuary city of San Francisco.  Moreover, the White House has chosen to say little or nothing about the undercover exposé of Planned Parenthood, an organization that murders babies, with the president’s approval, and then harvests and sells their organs.

It stands to reason that Obama would avoid acknowledging immigration- and abortion-related controversy, because neither the shipping of severed heads nor the murdering of American sightseers speaks favorably for a progressive agenda.

However, when two victims happen to end up riddled with more than a dozen hollowed-out bullet holes, rest assured that the opportunist in the White House will eventually weigh in.

That’s why, after picking and choosing which murder best benefits the suppression of the Second Amendment and making sure that Vester the Second was not an illegal alien or a former Planned Parenthood employee, White House press secretary Josh Earnest spoke out about the Parker-Ward murders.

Earnest stressed that Congress has yet to pass legislation that would have a “tangible impact in reducing gun violence in this country.”  Therefore, based on those comments, what is clear is that the White House was implicitly trying to place the blame for Parker’s and Ward’s assassination at the feet of a Republican Congress.

And frankly, in a way, the GOP deserves to be blamed.  Here’s why: the right refuse to defend themselves against absurd liberal indictments.  In the same way that Alison and Adam were attacked by Vester, Republicans in Congress allow themselves to be ambushed and assaulted by an administration whose bombast is responsible for the ongoing racial unrest – not guns.

Rather than wrest the conversation away from Obama and use this opportunity to point out that politically correct liberal policies and the president’s incendiary rhetoric incite violence – Republicans just stand there and take it.

Flanagan wrote that he had “every right” to be angry over the sort of race and gender injustices Barack Obama relentlessly insists are still a problem in America.

With that in mind, isn’t there at least one GOP member of Congress who has the temerity to direct the accusations toward those responsible for goading an unstable person like Mr. Flanagan to seek out a gun and then use it to snuff out two young lives?

Sounding like he was quoting from the liberal bible, in his 23-page manifesto, Vester Lee, who was reprimanded for wearing an Obama button on air the day of the 2012 election, lamented being victimized by racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying.  Then the former anchorman said he felt attacked, by black men and white women, for being a gay black man.

Isn’t there anyone in Congress who possesses the intellectual honesty to point out that Flanagan’s “Suicide Note for Friends and Family” included virtually every buzzword used by liberals to incite turmoil?

The White House can accuse Congress and censure guns, but to do so, they’ll have to ignore the fact that Flanagan confessed to killing Alison and Adam in reaction to the racism associated with the same church shooting that Barack Obama, in an effort to keep the fires of racial unrest alive, milked bone-dry.

It was the killer who admitted what incited the bloodbath. “Why did I do it?” he asked.  “The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15 … I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15.”

Clearly a bona fide black racist, Vester bid adieu to the tortured existence that was his life by citing Dylann Roof’s whiteness and an impending race war.  He praised the Columbine killers and then, for successfully murdering 33 people, including himself, paid homage to the Virginia Tech mass murderer Seung Hui Cho.

That’s why in the wake of yet another senseless heartbreak, Congress shouldn’t allow the White House to shift the blame for Alison Parker’s and Adam Ward’s deaths.  Instead, someone with some resolve needs to point out to the president – and the nation at large – that this has more to do with the race war that Obama and his minions are hoping to provoke than background checks and the availability of a gun.

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