MUSLIM KOWTOWER: Obama Mourns for a Saudi King

saidi-300x180Originally posted at Clash Daily

Based on which funerals and memorials he chooses to attend and which ones he chooses to ignore, in the past President Obama has relayed unspoken sentiments about the deceased.

Take for instance his weeping at the memorial services of children killed by gun violence versus his absence at the funerals of the children who died of Enterovirus D-68. The president attended the former because it furthered his ongoing gun-grab effort, but not the latter, because children dying from imported Third World diseases are synonymous with being a victim of Obama’s illegal immigration policy.

At a moment’s notice, Barack and Michelle were willing to fly off to South Africa for Nelson Mandela’s funeral, but because U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jaime Zapata were killed with Obama administration “Fast and Furious”-provided guns, the president chose to skip those events.

Regrettably for Major General Harold J. Green, the highest-ranking military officer killed in combat in a half-century, on the same day the major general was laid to rest Obama chose to play his second round of golf in three days.

Unlike he did with drug-addled pop star Whitney Houston, cancer-victim ESPN announcer Stuart Scott, and the suicidal Robin Williams, the president made no statement concerning the death of decorated Navy SEAL of American Sniper fame, Chris Kyle, the Iraqi war hero who did four tours of duty and saved thousands of American lives. Obama didn’t even acknowledge the murdered Kyle’s funeral, which included a 200-mile procession from Midlothian, Texas to Austin.

The same held true with James Foley, the American journalist beheaded by renowned ISIS decapitator Jihadi John. At Foley’s memorial service, there was nary a White House representative in sight.

To his credit, Obama blubbered like a baby at the funeral of the “Godmother” of the civil rights movement, Dr. Dorothy Height, and recognized the death of the first Cherokee Nation female chief Wilma Mankiller.

After the passing of fantasy/science fiction author Ray Bradbury, pop star/disco singer Donna Summer, Apple founder Steve Jobs, and American Bandstand/New Year’s Eve icon Dick Clark, Obama publicly extended his condolences.

And just as he did with Trayvon Martin, Obama issued a statement concerning the death of Ferguson, Missouri thug Michael Brown. Concerned about gun violence, the president dispatched Michelle to Chicago for the funeral of murdered teen Hadiya Pendleton.

On the other hand, the president chose to sit out the funeral of U.S. ally and good friend to former president Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Citing volcanic ash as a deterrent, the president chose to golf on the day of Polish president Lech Kaczynski’s 2010 funeral.

Speaking of Poland, on the way home from India Obama will not be attending the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, the largest mass murder site in human history.

However, six million murdered Jews aside, while returning from India, Obama decided to make a $267,787 four-hour stopover in Saudi Arabia to pay his respects to the late King Abdullah and to meet the newly crowned Saudi monarch King Salman. The president touched down in Riyadh hauling a huge American delegation that included Condoleezza Rice and John McCain (R-AZ).

Barack Obama didn’t feel inclined to pay his respects to NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, whose funeral services were both held close to New York City’s Times Square. But maybe, after dining at the Saudi Erga Palace, he did some secret sightseeing in Deera “Chop-Chop Square,” the place where decapitations routinely take place as a form of entertainment and where, after losing their heads, some of the corpses are then crucified.

Disguised as diplomacy, Barack Obama, the man who ignored the deaths of America’s true allies, chose to spend American tax dollars to fund his transparently selective funeral attendance. And he did it in the largest Arab nation that controls most of the world’s oil for a dead King whose legacy has been the persecution of women, imprisonment or death for political dissidents, the flogging of outspoken bloggers, chopping off the limbs of thieves, and beheading people.

Meanwhile, Muslim kowtower Obama couldn’t make it to the Paris protest renouncing terrorism attended by 44 other world leaders, and asked a White House official to promise on his behalf that Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will “pay a price” for agreeing to come to America to address Congress on the threat of a nuclear Iran.

Meanwhile, feigning funerary obligations, again Obama exposes his blatant favoritism with yet another non-verbal statement. But this time, he’s not expressing sympathy for dead thugs or deceased celebrities, but a dead Saudi Arabian king and a nation rumored to be a “cash machine” for worldwide terrorism.

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