Obama’s Birthday Bash – American Thinker. – July 24, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog

Barack Obama is one year shy of a half-century.  That’s right, on August 4th 1961, “Barry Soetoro” graced the world with his presence.

August 4th should be a day for all of America to come together to venerate an American president’s day of birth. Unfortunately, the merriment only includes a small handful of well-heeled bootlickers.

Barry’s birthday fete is being hosted by his much-loved friend, Chicago real estate mogul Neil Bluhm. Neil-the-billionaire became a pal of Obama’s after Bluhm donated “the maximum individual donation to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and also raised an estimated $200,000 as a fund-raiser.” This year, Bluhm is doing double-duty by throwing a very private birthday bash/DNC fundraiser on Barry’s special day.

In all likelihood, plans for Obama’s birthday include a commemorative cake and a sentimental journey chronicling the extraordinary life of the guest of honor. Although close friends and family may want to see Barry blow out the candles, those able to attend include only the privileged and wealthy.

Rest assured Aunt Zeituni won’t be snapping pictures of her nephew with her Polaroid because “The dinner invite to the Barack bash at Bluhm’s home requires a $30,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee!”

As a result, the always-benevolent president can extend munificence by sharing a Barack birthday party with the Democrat party. That’s right, for a meager down payment on a house in a middle-class neighborhood, the party goers get the opportunity to sing “Happy Birthday” to Barry and stand around clapping like a bunch of trained seals.

With that in mind, it’s too bad Obama is unable to attend the Chelsea Clinton/Marc Mezvinsky wedding.  If a birthday party holds the potential to successfully extort $30,000 from toady guests, just think what the DNC could pull down with Barack in attendance at a $2 million dollar wedding.

After the Bluhm birthday party-party, a grateful Obama will likely collect checks with one hand, shake hands goodbye with the other and impatiently shove lingering clingers out the door.  In keeping with the always festive but politically calculating spirit, perpetual-fundraiser Obama then plans to segue over to Chicago’s Palmer House for another tony event in honor of Democrat U.S. Senate hopeful Alexi Giannoulias.

This year President Barack Obama stands on the cusp of middle age.  In tribute, the President’s birthday party will be another opportunity to demonstrate to unemployed Americans yearning to earn $30,000 a year that Barack, together with a pathetic pack of Democrat sycophant elitists, hasn’t a clue what real people experience, scraping by day-to-day as a result of birthday boy’s horrendous policies.

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