The Clever and Classy G.W. Bush

Former President G. W. Bush was recently the keynote speaker at a University of Mobile scholarship benefit in Alabama. Taking to the podium, an “energized and animated” Bush spoke before a crowd of 1,000 about the pleasures of retirement, the honor of being the President of the United States and missing the “awesome” White House dessert chef.

Jokingly, a convivial Bush recommended the audience purchase his newly penned memoir entitled “Decision Points,” saying, “I’m not shilling for it — aw, heck, you oughta buy a copy.” For a moment, Bush’s mood turned serious as he explained to a captive audience that the book chronicles “decisions I made as president … it’s not judgmental…[it] tries to describe the environment in which I was honored to be your president.”

Employing the art of self-deprecating humor, Bush used the occasion to expose the idiocy of critics who continue to portray the former Commander-in-Chief as intellectually challenged. Purposely positioning himself as the butt of a joke, Bush managed to wink at elite critics by saying, “They didn’t think I could read a book, much less write one.”

George W. Bush silently endured eight years of criticism from Democrats and since leaving office continues to be the voiceless fall guy for the devastating results of horrendous Obama policy blunders.

Though deemed brainless by detractors, without mentioning names outright the witty George W. took advantage of a rare opportunity to lob a few well-deserved zingers Obama’s way without identifying the target.

First, Bush expressed a level of sentiment Obama has yet to display.  The former president combined emotion, gratitude and humor saying, “I loved being your president. But frankly, I’m having the time of my life not being your president.”

Then came a subtle jab: “I do not miss the limelight. I have zero desire to be in the press. I have zero desire to be on your TV screen. Eight years is enough of that.” Could George Bush possibly be implying what all of America is thinking, which is: “Are you kidding me, Barack Obama’s mug is on another magazine cover?

Although being the recipient of numerous rounds of applause during the speech, Bush “steered away from any commentary on current events.”  However, Bush cleverly opined and critiqued while excusing himself from opining or critiquing.

“You’re not going to see me out opining or offering my critique,” he said. “Frankly, I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president criticize his successor.”  Exhibiting refinement and aplomb, Mr. Bush clearly articulated a vice-versa view on the current president criticizing a predecessor.

Speaking specifically to the attending World War II veterans, Bush suggested that history may “justify his 2003 decision to invade Iraq.” Still firm in “Decision Point” conviction, G.W. defended the vision by restating, “In 1944, if somebody said that one day Japan and the United States will be working in concert to keep the peace, they’d have called you a hopeless nut.”

Contrary to the “fundamental transformation” Obama is busy foisting on America, Bush used the word “transformative” in a more appropriate context. George W. referred to the “transformative power of freedom,” an American concept alien to Barack’s socialistic schema.

Indirectly Bush spoke out about current “without preconditions” Middle East policy saying, “if the United States does not lose its nerve, and forget its principle of the universality of freedom… some day, a generation of Americans is going to say, ‘thank God this generation did not lose faith in the transformative power of freedom.’”

In a roundabout way, a relaxed Bush managed to express strong views without appearing bitter or vindictive.

The genial indictment commenced when Bush insinuated “elite” media bias.  Then G.W. intimated the classless nature of expressing a negative opinion of presidents, as well as managing to characterize the man on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine as a shameless media hound.  Moreover, Bush’s expression of honor for the presidency shed light on Obama’s apparent disdain for America.  All of which the affable George W. accomplished without once mentioning you-know-who’s name.

As if that weren’t enough, Bush then revealed the superficial shallowness of the present occupant of the White House by drawing the loudest applause when sharing a “vigorous account of his religious faith.”  Clearly, while Barack feigns Christianity, George W. Bush’s religious commitment is palpable in the genuine conviction of his words:

I came to Washington with a set of values. I got those from my faith, my family and where I was raised. And that became the cornerstone of my decision-making. You cannot lead a complex organization unless you have a set of principles that are inviolable.

Could Bush possibly be suggesting core values and principle are sacrosanct “cornerstones” to the type of character required to lead the nation and not the strident radicalism and ideological leanings presently on display in Washington DC?

Surprisingly, Bush’s “appearance helped the Christian university raise nearly $400,000 for its scholarship fund” without charging attendees $30,000 per person and despite Emilio and Gloria Estefan’s absence.

At the University of Mobile, the elegant and gregarious George W. Bush proved once again that level of intelligence or perceived lack thereof is not indicative of social sophistication or ability to convey clear meaning.  In fact, based on the public persona of the present and former occupants of the White House, the Commander-in-Chief deemed by the left to be the more intelligent of the two is the one gravely deficient in both cleverness and class.

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