Stupak and his dozen getting ‘both arms twisted’ – American Thinker. Blog – March 13, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog

Robert Costa of National Review Online interviewed pro-life Bart Stupak by phone while the Democrat sat in an airport awaiting a flight to Michigan.  Apparently the “Stupak dozen” has dwindled. “At this point, there is no doubt that they’ve been able to peel off one or two of my twelve,” Stupak told Costa.

Though fatigued, thus far Stupak remains loyal to the pro-life debate “I am a definite ‘no’ vote. I didn’t cave.” However, those who agreed privately to stand for life and vote “no on the Senate’s health-care bill if federal funding for abortion is included in the final legislative language” -are now falling like dominoes under “enormous political pressure from both the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

Stupak claims, pro-life Democrats are “having both of their arms twisted, and …getting pounded by… traditional Democratic supporters, like unions.” Stupak told Costa what is going on is  “a pretty sad commentary on the state of the Democratic party.”

Bart maintains Nancy Pelosi is so committed to funding being available that the Speaker refuses to entertain the Stupak Amendment, which imposes  “tight restrictions on abortion language.” Regardless of whether House Democrats believe the bill can pass with or without pro-life Democrats, for Pelosi votes are worth losing to make an ideological statement in support of killing the unborn.

While nursing two twisted arms, Stupak experienced quite an epiphany.  The Michigan representative told NRO, “I really believe the Democratic leadership is simply unwilling to change its stance. Their position says that women, especially those without means available, should have their abortions covered.”

Even more dramatic was Stupak’s confession to Costa that Democrat leadership views abortion as a cost saving necessity.  Expressing aversion Stupak said, “Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue – come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.” With all due respect Mr. Stupak, is this news to you?

The Michigan Congressman rhetorically mused on. “What are Democratic leaders saying? If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing.”

Quite an illuminating statement–a Democrat admits left-wing congressional colleagues support butchering the unborn to benefit the bottom line.  Wait until Bart grasps Democrats rationing treatment to the elderly to justify achieving similar fiscal goals.

Stupefied, Stupak said, “Throughout this debate, even when the House leaders have acknowledged us, it’s always been in a backhanded way.”  Stupak told Costa, “If Obama care passes it could signal the end of any meaningful role for pro-life Democrats within their own party.” Yes, as well as “signaling the end” for children in utero, the terminally ill and Americans 65-years or older.

Stupak’s intonation hinted of resignation for intervention from the right side of the aisle,  “We’ll probably have to wait until the Republicans take back the majority to fix this.” Yet Stupak “won’t leave the party?”  Why?  Because, he’s “more comfortable [there] and still believe[s] in a role within it for the right-to-life cause.” The Congressman is at ease in a party that never seriously entertained the abortion debate, unleashes union thugs, twists arms, kills babies and marginalizes pro-life Democrats?

A disillusioned Stupak said, “It’s almost like some right-to-life members don’t want to be bothered. They just want this over.” Sounds like weak-kneed pro-life Democrats identify with women seeking federally funded abortions that “just want it get it over with” and could care less who pays the price.


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