Stupak’s 30 pieces of silver – American Thinker. Blog – March 24, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog

Last week Bart Stupak subjected to the pressure of an oil press, resembled Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  This week Stupak assisting in killing the guiltless evokes images of Judas Iscariot.

In Jesus’ day 30 pieces of silver went a long way.  And so it was jingling money that tantalized Judas to hand Christ over to Roman authorities, resulting in Jesus’ death.  Judas ate, slept and lived with Jesus.  Yet when coinage was waved in front of Judas’ face, one who was formerly faithful, caved.

The Gospel of Mark contends that the chief priests were determined to arrest Jesus and looked for an underhanded way to accomplish the goal.  “Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went off to the chief priests in order to betray Him to them.  They were glad … and promised to give him money.”   So for mere denari, for 30 pieces of silver Judas identified Jesus with a kiss, turning Him over to Roman soldiers for crucifixion.

It is astonishing to contemplate surrendering  the innocent to death in return for money, but isn’t that what Bart Stupak (D-Mich) did by selling off pro-life conviction and voting “Yes” on  Obama’s health care bill?  Bart Stupak betrayed those depending on him for protection.  Regardless of the Congressman’s anemic excuse, Stupak made a dramatic trade off if one honestly assesses value added, against value lost.

U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) announced three airports in northern Michigan have received grants totaling $726,409 for airport maintenance and improvements.” Jesus traded for 30 pieces of silver and babies lives exchanged for friction measuring equipment, lighted signs, tow vehicles, perimeter fences, and pavement repairs.

Bart Stupak was one of a dozen pro-life politicians set apart from the Democrat throng, following the truth like one of Jesus’ twelve apostles.  Regardless of party affiliation, right up to the bitter end, pro-life advocates lauded Stupak for bravery and adherence to principle.  But, like Caiaphas, America’s High Priest the ever sly Barack Obama, knew there was a way to weaken Stupak’s sincerity, and Obama was right.  Both Judas and Bart revered mammon above morality and tucked within the dark recesses loomed disloyalty of heart all along.

Two days prior to the vote, a supposedly conflicted Stupak folded in a back room, cheaply I might add, for $726,409 for airport maintenance and improvements and a worthless Executive Order that Hyde Amendment restrictions on abortion would be extended to health care reform.  Stupak eagerly kissed Jesus’ cheek, accepted the money sack and handed the unborn over to death.

History will tell the story of Bart Stupak, just as Scripture chronicled Judas’ guilt ridden recompense for accepting “blood money.” When Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was full of remorse and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. Judas realized, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”

In possession of the vote like a Roman soldier in possession of Jesus, Stupak’s remorse would likely be brushed off by Barry, Harry and Nancy with statement similar to the one Judas met with in chief priests in possession of the prize.  “What’s that to us? See to it yourself!”

The health care bill passed thanks to a Stupak’s betrayal vote.  Bart Stupak squandered the opportunity to wash his hands in front of Congress and the nation uttering the words, “The blood of the innocent is not on my hands.” In the process, a lone Congressman from Michigan could have rescued both the born and unborn from the Obamacare scourging awaiting us all, instead Stupak chose the denari.

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