Will Families of Slain NYPD Officers be Obama’s Guests at the SOTU Address?

Originally posted at American Thinker. On January 29, 2013, on the South Side of Chicago, while standing with friends in Vivian Gordon Harsh Park, 15-year-old teen Hadiya Pendleton was killed by two youths who shot into the group in an attempt to hit a rival gang member. At the time, …

‘Honor Trayvon’ by Ending the Black Genocide

Does it matter that blacks constitute only 13% of the population but account for 36% of all the abortions that take place every year? Where are the tears, protest signs, and New Black Panther demonstrations for the deaths of innocent children who didn’t break anyone’s nose or smash anyone’s skull against a sidewalk?

Michelle Obama Searches for an Identity in Senegal

onetheless, Mrs. Obama apparently didn’t put off the children, ergo the applause. In fact, they could have mistaken her for being part of the small group of Senegalese elite, which is made up of businessmen, influential politicians, government ministers, university professors, and members of the (ahem) Socialist Party.

Obama’s ‘Saving Even One Child’ Policy Falls Short

Now, after hearing Kathleen Sebelius make the cold comment that “someone lives and someone dies” in response to questions about why she refuses to intervene in the Sara Murnaghan emergency lung transplant case, it’s clear that anti-gun political pragmatism is at the root of concern over the saving of some lives and not others.

Huh?!? — Michelle Obama Confirms Prez’s Long List of Imperfections

What happened to Michelle’s badge of honor between high school and college? The first lady, who – like her husband – has never disclosed her GPA, conveyed an odd message to the college-bound high school graduates: “[I] spent too much of [my] own time in college focusing on academic achievements.” What is up with that?

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