Who Done DADT

Once again, political correctness takes precedence over the welfare and security of the nation. Democrat homosexuality crusaders are preparing to use the US military as a political platform to make a statement on gay rights by repealing the 1993 “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law, which bans gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military.

Why does sexual preference have to be made public? Heterosexuals don’t march in parades with signs that say: “Straight is great” and “Your mother wears combat boots.”  So if no one asks, and no one tells, does sexual proclivity really matter?

Moreover, why the incessant drumbeat to coerce American soldiers to care? Isn’t dealing with the Taliban and al-Qaeda enough for the US military to endure? Guess not, because in the midst of two wars, while trying to avoid driving over improvised roadside devices, politicians plan to put DADT burdens on fighting soldiers making the controversial policy the object of political debate.

Top US military officer Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, while in support of repealing the law banning gays from serving openly in the military, cautioned it was crucial to get the military’s views on the ground level.

Mullen declared the military policy DADT “obsolete.”  However, based on recent comments, Admiral Mullen seems to be reassessing the feelings of active duty service men and women. Mike Mullen’s statements suggest the Pentagon might be considering how to resolve fighting wars while dealing with glitches that would arise in the barracks if male cross dressers choose to change yet another rule and fight for the right to forgo wearing Army fatigues.

The Admiral stated that before lifting the ban it was “key” the Pentagon certify it was ready to implement the policy. What does the military plan on doing, making Y.M.C.A. an official anthem and establishing separate quarters for every “transitioning-cross-trans-sexual-gender” category?

Admiral Mullen said, “I still think, and so does the secretary of defense, it is really critical to understand the points of view of those it will affect the most as we look at the implementation challenges should the law change.” Mullen said the issues “that are the top of the list for me (include) readiness, unit cohesion, recruiting, retention.”

Good thing Mullen is considering vital issues because wresting a feather boa from Elton John before combat patrol might present a “readiness” quandary.  Encouraging female soldiers to tolerate Chaz Bono hogging the latrine mirror to shave is sure to imperil unit cohesiveness; and unquestionably, Rosie O’Donnell would deter chances for anyone, regardless of sex or sexual preference, from ever reenlisting.

Apparently, lifting the ban is contingent on the Pentagon reviewing open homosexuality’s effect on the military.  In addition, President Obama, Defense Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen would all have to verify whether soldier morale would be affected by individuals showering for reasons other than personal hygiene.

Admiral Mullen’s recent unhurried approach to lifting the ban and taking into consideration the feelings of the larger majority of military personnel is supported by Senator Jim Webb (D-Va) who has expressed disappointment “in the way this process was accelerated.” Webb, who voted against the repeal, said, “we had a process in place and to preempt it in some ways showed a disrespect for people in the military.”

Therefore, the battle rages on.   Yet truth is, the discussion is for naught because military acceptance of homosexuality was actually settled back in 1998 when GLAAD Media award winner, gay icon Cher paved the way for lifting the ban on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” by singing aboard the USS Missouri.

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