Obama Raffle: Dinner with Mr. Lonely

Originally posted at BIG Government

During Bibi Netanyahu’s 2010 visit to the White House, in the middle of a tense settlement concession conversation an irritated Obama left Mr. Netanyahu sitting in a room to rush upstairs for din-din with Shelley and the girls. Abruptly walking out of the room, the President said “Let me know if there is anything new.”  Either the Israeli Prime Minister was being officially dissed, or Michelle refuses to tolerate any excuse for Barack showing up late for dinner

However, in the future, should the Prime Minister desire another sit-down with the President of the United States, he’ll have the option of purchasing a roll of tickets for the “Sometime soon, can we meet for dinner/Reelect Barack Obama” raffle.

Before the “Sometime Soon, Can We Meet For Dinner?” initiative, Netanyahu didn’t stand a chance in hell of getting Barack to sit through an entire conversation.  Now, at least Bibi has as much opportunity as anyone else willing to contribute five bucks.

Now, if by chance Bibi’s ticket is pulled out of the spinning drum, Obama, albeit under duress, will be obliged to endure eating blintzes and can no longer escape a Jerusalem settlement discussion using dinner getting cold as an excuse.

The President of the United States selling dinner raffle tickets may indicate that the man is forlorn and in need of genuine companionship. Begging to be shown love by the people who just three years ago were showering him with confetti and weeping at the mere mention of his name, frankly, is both “creepy” and pathetic.

Barack Obama’s dine-with-me/love-me idea started when the 2012 reelection campaign sent out an email with this subject line: “Sometime soon, can we meet for dinner?” Why would an American president ask such an unusual question? Obviously, to goad supporters into donating money in hopes of winning face time with Mr. Lonely.

The email also says, “So whenever I can, I want to take the opportunity to meet you.” Wouldn’t a message like that coming from anyone besides the President alert Americans trained to be careful online that it may be time to call in the authorities?

Nevertheless, Obama’s endearing words reminded voters that he and they are more than just political allies.  The President said “Supporters like you are reason I’m here, and that the values we share have always made our organization more than just a political campaign.”

Honestly, the President’s fundraising/supper-with-a-supporter email was more like an awkward love letter than a powerful politician’s solicitation for money.

That aside, winning benefactors will have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience what Bibi Netanyahu was denied, which is to enjoy dinner and a chat with Barack Obama and be thanked “in person,” something a former Democrat president, who shall remain nameless, provided for free.

In addition, the email updated constituents on Obama’s summer meeting with volunteers from around the nation, which could be liberal code for ACORN workers and Black Panther poll watchers.  The online correspondence also expressed the President’s heartfelt desire “to talk one on one with the people…taking ownership of [the] campaign and [to] connect with the work going on every day in neighborhoods across the country.”

Try as he might to disguise it, Barack sounded as if the real reason for the odd fundraising style, besides being starved for the cheering displays of adoration that he’s become accustomed to, might be that the President is unable to pry himself away from his love of community organizing.

If Barry really wants to inspire community involvement, for an extra $2 the President could suggest a secondary raffle for a chance to win his very own well-worn, personally autographed copy of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

Moreover, and not to be overly critical, but based on some of the high class dinners Barry has treated friends to in the past, like the time he took Dmitry Medvedev to Ray’s Hell Burger, the $5 may not go directly into the campaign coffers – but could be used to cover the cost of the date.

Let’s remember, the President has tried the raffle thing before, but from the looks of the polls, even enjoying a Ray’s B.I.G. Poppa with Big Poppa doesn’t seem to be turning things around. Even still, Obama said he wants to “keep doing these dinners throughout the campaign.” With the economy in the tank and the line at the unemployment office getting longer every day, and with more and more fast food restaurants taking food stamps, should the President of the United States really be spending time supping with sycophants like the Obama Girl?

In the end, history has proven that dining with the Prime Minister of Israel holds little sway in Obama’s world.  Instead, it’s things like raffle dinners that sets Obama’s campaign apart, because he believes “dinners like these are how [he] will continue to put people at the heart of [his] campaign — and prove that [he doesn’t] need checks from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PAC money to win an election.”

However, what Obama does “need” are $5 donations squeezed out of inexplicably loyal supporters who otherwise don’t have two nickels to rub together.

Couple the dine-with-me email with Obama imploring cheering crowds in North Carolina to prove their love for him by passing his jobs bill, and the whole sorry state of affairs gets even more peculiar.  Crying out for dinner dates and hollering “If you love me, you got [sic] to help me pass this bill,” is either pure desperation, unbridled narcissism, or both, sending the situation from the realm of the strange into the annals of the absurd

However, there’s always a bright side. The next time Bibi Netanyahu is in a room with Obama and the conversation morphs into a “hazing in stages,” the Prime Minister knows he can distract Barry from stomping off to dinner by changing the subject and proposing an idea for yet another raffle, where for just 50 cents unlimited winners get to give America’s love-deprived President a big smooch.


  1. 『The Music』1978年1月号では「~緊急提言~
    日本のフォーク&ロックを考える ニューミュージックは死んだか?若し又単に日本政記の校訂者が関五郎であつた、関藤藤陰が日本政記を補訂して世に問うたと云ふを以て插入せられたとすると、わたくしの問題は未解決の儘に存することとなるであらう。日本政記の校訂者が二人以上あつて、或は同時に、或は相踵(あひつ)いでこれに従事したと云ふことも、考へられぬことは無い。強ひて二者を媒介するものを求めた後に、わたくしは始て日本政記の校訂と云ふことを見出す。里恵の書に拠るに、頼山陽が歿前に政記の校訂を託したのは関五郎であつた。

  2. 翌年に退社し、小説家、エッセイスト、翻訳家として活動。今の文学士小山内薫(おさないかおる)さんと画家岡田三郎助(おかださぶろうすけ)さんの妻八千代(やちよ)さんとは建の遺子である。一行が土手町に下宿した後二(に)、三月(さんげつ)にして暴風雨があった。元洋もまた杉田門から出た人で、後建(けん)と称して、明治十八年二月十四日に中佐(ちゅうさ)相当陸軍一等軍医正(せい)を以て広島に終った。二年前(ぜん)から逐次に江戸を引き上げて来た定府(じょうふ)の人たちは、富田新町、新寺町(しんてらまち)新割町(しんわりちょう)、上白銀町(かみしろかねちょう)、下(しも)白銀町、塩分町(しおわけちょう)、茶畑町(ちゃばたちょう)の六カ所に分れ住んだ。

  3. 13 July 1978 – George Reader, 81, scored in his solely look for Exeter City of their last season before becoming a member of the Soccer League in 1920, and then signed for Southampton, taking part in three league matches before dropping into non-League football to concentrate on his profession as a faculty teacher before changing into a linesman in 1936 and being promoted to a referee in 1939.

  4. 8月1日 箱根登山鉄道鉄道線箱根湯本駅乗り入れ開始。 10月1日 松田駅 – 新松田駅間連絡線開通により、国鉄御殿場線直通準急列車
    「銀嶺(ぎんれい)」「芙蓉(ふよう)」の運行を開始。 2月2日 バス事業廃止許可(南林間駅 – 相武台前駅、相武台前駅 – 新磯・

  5. デンマーク料理は、1860年の産業革命以前に国中に広まった農民料理に起原を持つ。 ハンド全力」に蒔田彩珠、芋生悠、篠原篤、仲野太賀、志田未来、安達祐実ら11名”. 173 – 174では10社(1994年6月現在)だが、1996年4月、2007年4月、2020年4月に開始した3社を含めた。百貨店、量販店等を含む大型店があり、有名専門店、高級専門店を中心に構成される商店街。 『『ダイエー東部市場前店』・

  6. 雇用保険(こようほけん)とは、日本における雇用保険法に基づく、失業・必ず住宅火災保険などと併せて加入する。 ライフネット生命、オリックス生命、アクサダイレクト生命の3社を比較すると、ライフネット生命が最も低い保険料を設定しています。 “ロシアのウクライナ侵攻で決裂、ファーウェイ英法人役員2人が辞任”.例として長瀬が「近所のお兄さん(つれたか丸の船長)」、山口は「田舎の達也兄ちゃん」(宅配便の差出人)や同局のドラマ『受験の神様』の主人公・

  7. 4月13日に選挙戦が始まると、三木は徳島2区の各地で開催した演説会で既成政党への批判と政治浄化を中心とした選挙演説を行った。発行当初から「VIEW Suicaカード」の登場まで、3~4月や10月前後を中心に、2年に1~2本のペースで実写のテレビCMおよび駅や雑誌での広告宣伝がなされており、サービス開始時は本木雅弘が、1993年にはピエール・

  8. ドスはストライカー自動ショットガン、トレスはモスバーグを得物としている。 アメリカの大富豪オサリバン家の令嬢で、このエピソードでの騒動の元凶。場の空気を読まず、兄が歌うタンゴに弟が合いの手を入れるという『だんご3兄弟』を彷彿させる言動で鬱陶しがられる。 トマトが嫌いで、第1期の夢の中に登場したプチトマトマン(声 – 興津和幸)には苦戦していた。戦況が泥沼化し続ける中、部隊がアフガンで新年を迎えた際に、スタンの出自を悪意無く揶揄しバラライカに釘を刺される。 “2015.3.19 川崎中1殺害事件で少年法改正論が再燃”.

  9. 本当の理由を悟った熊五郎夫婦はこれに激怒、店のメニューを法外な料金に値上げしてしまう。五百は杉浦のおらぬのを怪(あやし)んで問うと、よめの来たのを迎えてすぐに、比良野の馬を借りて、どこかへ乗って往ったということであった。磯七は散髪屋同士の会合があるから、菊江は今朝から蝋燭の発注が殺到していて忙しい、と適当な理由をつけて、告知に来た喜代美に断りを入れる。同い年の正典と糸子は20歳の時に知り合い、遠距離恋愛をするようになった。 なお貯金はイカ串の瓶の中に入れられ、草々からいったん正典に渡った後、最終的に「ひぐらし亭」建設資金に回された。箸の注文の前金で正典、小次郎、幸助が芸者遊びをし、糸子と松江に見つかって怒られる。

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