‘Better Angel’ Obama Incites More Turmoil

imagesOriginally posted at American Thinker. blog

Whenever Barack Obama “expands on [his] thoughts a little bit,” America is in for an eye-opener, which is exactly what happened when he recently crashed a press briefing to comment on the George Zimmerman trial.

Exposing his true colors, the president extended condolences to the Martin family and completely ignored the Zimmerman family, which has also endured considerable pain during what Obama admitted was a “tragic situation.”

Much like Michelle personalizing the fatal shooting of Hadiya Pendleton in Chicago, Barack Obama took the opportunity to make Trayvon Martin’s death about – you guessed it – Barack Obama. Exhibiting the height of narcissistic self-absorption, the president, having previously suggested that he could be Trayvon’s father, on this occasion declared that he could be Trayvon Martin himself.

Barack Obama takes responsibility for nothing. So rather than censure a rap culture or a political party that has cultivated a caustic mindset in black youth, again the president sought out scapegoats for the irate response he and other race-baiters are subtly encouraging in the black community.  Working hard to make sure bad memories linger, Obama blamed “a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away” for the agitated race-focused response to the not-guilty verdict.

Obama felt obliged to mention African-American men being followed in department stores, hearing “locks click on the doors of cars” when on the street, and getting wary reactions from women who “clutch their purses nervously” when riding in an elevator with a male person of color. Mr. Obama must be unaware that being alone in an elevator with a strange man, black or white, makes most women, black or white, feel uncomfortable.

The president claimed that before he was a Senator, he was racially profiled based on the color of his skin. Seeing as how Barry Soetoro’s race is unchanged, maybe it was the cloud of choom smoke surrounding him that singled him out.

Nonetheless, sounding almost like he was proposing leveling the playing field by way of some sort of legal affirmative action, the president said that “there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws — everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws.”

Elucidating that point, the president acknowledged that African-American boys like Trayvon Martin are “disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of violence,” which he insinuated “is born out of a very violent past in this country.”

Before Obama implied that there was “no context” for Trayvon’s death, he did admit that the African-American community understands that “somebody like Trayvon Martin was statistically more likely to be shot by a peer than…by somebody else.”

However, this was right before assuming that if a white teen was afraid of being homosexually raped by a “creepy ass cracka” and demonstrated that fear by straddling and pummeling the presumed rapist about the head, the scenario would have resulted in hugs and a beer summit.

And while everything Obama said up to that point was disturbing, what followed was downright terrifying, because whenever the president poses the question “Where do we take this?” the answer never seems to be beneficial to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

Two potential fixes: federal government intrusion in the form of Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder “reviewing what happened down there,” (meaning Florida of course, not Mexico), and Obama bouncing ideas off his staff (which means Valerie Jarrett).

For starters, one suggestion is federal/DOJ intrusion into local- and state-level law enforcement procedures. Touting one plan, Obama boasted: “When I was in Illinois, I passed racial profiling legislation,” which collected “data on traffic stops and the race of the person who was stopped,” and trained police departments “how to think about potential racial bias.”

From there, he segued into condemning stand-your-ground laws and asked if America is “sending a message …that someone who is armed potentially has the right to use those firearms even if there’s a way for them to exit from a situation.” In other words, the president supports Holder’s “duty to retreat” posture which, had the Union taken that advice during the Civil War, would mean that Barack Obama might not be in a position today to be addressing such topics.

Obama mentioned his own naïveté about the “prospects [for] some grand, new federal program,” his own “convening power,” the gathering together of (liberal-minded) “business leaders and local elected officials and clergy and celebrities [like Eva “Brainstormer” Longoria] and athletes,” to contribute better ways to help “young African-American men feel that… they’ve got pathways and avenues to” become president… er…”succeed.”

America’s first African-American president then put his own historical presidency aside when he asked, “Is there more that we can do to give [young black men] the sense that their country cares about them and values them and is willing to invest in them?”

After America has spent 40 years allowing feminism to emasculate all boys, regardless of color, maybe the President should propose caring about and investing in every American boy.

Following the heaping on of guilt, condemnation, and racial polarization, the president admitted that with a racially-sensitive eye, he observes Malia and Sasha s’ relationships with white friends and has concluded that “they’re better than we are — they’re better than we were — on these issues.”

And this from a man who asked America a self-righteous question that he should’ve been asking himself: “[a]m I wringing as much bias out of myself as I can?  Am I judging people as much as I can, based on not the color of their skin, but the content of their character?”

Before wrapping up his performance with his signature tactic of instantly excusing himself from the situation he’s just exploited by pretending his derisiveness was a “teachable moment,” the man with lots of ‘soul’ soullessly encouraged “soul-searching.”  However, this time, before vanishing again, the always-manipulative, always above-it-all Obama suggested encouraging the “better angels of our nature, as opposed to” what he does when he uses these “episodes to heighten divisions.”

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