Christian Soldiers Fight for Rights They’re Denied

bible2-620x428-300x207Originally posted at The Blacksphere

An evangelical Christian Army chaplain’s assistant who has served honorably in the Army for six years, including time in Afghanistan, alleges

…that she was threatened with a reduction in rank and pay for a Facebook post where she dared to call homosexuality what God calls it: sin.

After returning from church and watching a documentary about a minister who endorsed homosexuality, on Facebook the Christian soldier expressed her frustration with clergy disregarding Biblical principles. Foolishly feeling free enough to speak her mind, she posted in part:

“Yes God loves you as a person but He hates the sin. Tired of hearing about Pastors being ok with homosexuality.”

The following day, the wife, and mother of a six-month-old baby, was promptly beckoned to her commander’s office where she was accused of creating a “hostile and antagonistic” environment and threatened withUCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) if she did not immediately take the post down.

Thus far, the Christian soldier’s idea of moving onward is to refuse to remove the posting.

The young woman, who requested anonymity, claims she was ordered by a commanding officer to remove the post, or else. Refusing to submit, the soldier said “I haven’t taken it down and I won’t take it down.”

After serving her nation to preserve freedoms that include her First Amendment right to free speech and freedom of religion – which includes professing her faith – the woman said:

“It is frustrating that people are trying to silence me – for something that I believe in. We fight for the freedom that I can’t enjoy right now. That’s not right.”

Exactly! So now our military is fighting for freedoms that are conditional and at times even exclusive? And Christians in the military are spilling their blood on the battlefield and then once home are threatened by enemies of their faith who reside within that same military?

The chaplain’s assistant is willing to go to court, saying, “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Assessing the situation accurately, the soldier observed that “God said we would be persecuted for our faith and I think now is the time.”

Regardless of how this turns out, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” no longer applies to gays in the military. However, a hybrid form of the policy is now being imposed upon Christians serving their country.

So if you’re gay and in the military, share your lifestyle with pride!

But if you’re a Christian in the military and express disagreement with the gay lifestyle, you’re “hostile and antagonistic,” and you will be punished. Sounds about right.

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