Obama’s Choom Gang Tour of the Gulf Ports

enhancedbuzz10964133711-300x227Originally posted at The Black Sphere

The level of criticism being leveled against Barack Obama because of his alleged gaffe concerning his geographic ineptitude concerning the Gulf Ports is unfounded.

In one sense, it could be that our president has bigger fish to fry than mastering a geography lesson.  However, what is more likely is, that in light of Barack Obama’s level of vision and super human intelligence, it is possible that he understands and see things that mere mortals do not see nor comprehend.

The source of the most recent snickering is rooted in the president’s casual banter while on the Jay Leno late night talk show.  After discussing his stray grays, his singlehandedly crushing al Qaeda, his obedience to Michelle, as well as casting aspersions toward super spy G.W. Bush and homophobe Vladimir Putin, the conversation ambled over to the economy and infrastructure.

While there, Leno mentioned that he lives in a town where the bridge is falling apart and isn’t safe when he tools around town in his antique automobile.

In response to Leno’s complaints, the president said: “I don’t know.  As you know, for the last three years, I’ve said, let’s work together.”  Obama would fix Leno’s bridge but, unfortunately it will remain in disrepair because, although he just canceled a conciliatory one-on-one discussion with Vladimir Putin, Bipartisan Barry just can’t find anyone to cooperate with him.

Betwixt lighthearted chuckles and affectionate chitchat, Obama told Leno, “Let’s find a financing mechanism [that’s a fancy term for taxes], and let’s go ahead and fix our bridges, fix our roads, sewer systems, our ports.”

In other words, let’s stimulate more shovel ready jobs that four years after the first stimulus are still not shovel ready.

Moving right along, the President endeavored to enlarge the understanding of inexperienced Americans when he revealed that he and his Choom gang traveled in that rolling Choomwagon to places the rest of America didn’t even know existed.

The president told a spellbound Jay Leno:  “The Panama is being widened so that these big supertankers can come in.  Now, that will be finished in 2015.”  Thus far, pretty good. Then the president said:

If we don’t deepen our ports all along the Gulf — places like Charleston, South Carolina, or Savannah, Georgia, or Jacksonville, Florida — if we don’t do that, those ships are going to go someplace else.  And we’ll lose jobs.  Businesses won’t locate here.

Dear Lord, we don’t want those supertankers heading for Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville to go somewhere besides the Gulf of Mexico because of constricted ports.  Neither do we want businesses relocating, nor the loss of any additional jobs. Therefore, it’s best to get to work deepening those three ports.

Remember Sarah Palin’s revelation to ABC’s Charlie Gibson that Russia was Alaska’s next-door neighbor, and that from an island in Alaska you could see Russia?

Saturday Night Live comedian Tina Fey had a ball implying that, as evidenced by her geographical illiteracy, Sarah Palin was intellectually-challenged.

Yet, in retrospect, Sarah’s comment certainly gives credibility to Barack Obama hinting that while on his famous “57 states” Choomwagon tour of the United States, he actually perused the narrow gulf ports of Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville.

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