Originally posted at American Thinker.
One of the fundamental tenets of Christianity is that as disciples of Jesus Christ, believers are called “to put off our old selves … and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God” (Ephesians 4:22). In the secular world, where humanity often esteems itself a deity, a counterfeit option now exists among self-proclaimed man-gods who encourage lesser beings to emulate whatever it is they tell them to do.
Emulation is what the resurrected community organizer and former president and his radical wife now say they hope will occur with Obama.org disciples.
Recently, at a Klick Health’s Muse event in New York City, Michelle Obama talked about passing the baton to followers. The former first lady sounded somewhat like Jesus, saying, “Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).
Simply put, despite the commandment that says, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3), Michelle spoke of the Obama Foundation as if it were a religion. And if that’s the case, rest assured: Marxism is the gospel, and community organizing is the tool of evangelism, and Barack and Michelle are gods.
During the Klick-Q&A, Michelle denied rumors that she aspires to “wake up [again] in a house built by slaves.” Instead, the former first lady explained to saddened voters: “I’m not going to run for president. Because I think it’s a better investment to invest in creating thousands of mes. We don’t need just one – we need thousands and thousands.”
Sorry, but “thousands and thousands” of mini-Michelle Obamas clogging the highways and byways sounds more like a nightmare than an encouraging dream for the future.
Nevertheless, half the Obama team apparently feels that multitudes of angry, racist, bitter partisans, made in the image and likeness of a woman who hates America, could do more to advance the cause of chaos than one singular entity who, quite frankly, would rather be doing yoga in Hawaii.
When Michelle Obama said, “As an older leader, I think an important part of leadership is stepping out of the way and making room,” it sounded more like Jesus’s Great Commission than an attempt to recruit “civic innovators.”
It’s 2018 A.D., and Michelle Obama announces that she’s fading into the background, but before she does, she will bequeath authority to a vast horde of Obama-supporters?
By “stepping out of the way and making room,” the former first lady authorized believers to go forth “and make disciples of all nations.” In other words, Michelle commissioned Obama followers to baptize the faithful in the name of Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, and Barack Obama, and to teach him “who has ears to hear” to obey whatever the fundamental transformist tells him to do.
At the event, Michelle also lamented that in politics, “[w]e’re not finding that new energy out there.” So, rather than allow the “bright young people doing some amazing things” – to do those amazing things – America’s previous FLOTUS said she plans to duplicate none other than herself and to dispatch, to the four corners of the earth, Michelle doubles.
If Shelley’s narcissistic self-love weren’t enough to scare the daylights out of anyone with half a brain, the popish leader of the Obama Foundation, former president Barack Obama himself, confirmed his wife’s self-serving sentiments by taking the sermon about Obama-replication all the way to Asia.
In Japan, Barack established that both he and Mrs. Obama agree that individualism is a quality to avoid.
Instead, the head of the Obama Foundation preached that the only two people on the planet worthy of imitation are he and his wife. If the former president’s comments were to be analyzed in the biblical sense, what’s evident is that Barack believes he and Michelle are “the way the truth and the life” (John 14:6).
The former president shared with the Asian audience that he and Michelle both realize that the presidency constrained their ability to create “a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas.” Now, free of restrictions, the duo is committed to inspiring young people to drop those nets and follow “the ones we’ve been waiting for[.]”
Put differently, the gospel Barry and his helpmeet currently preach stresses that uniqueness be shunned and Obama-conformity embraced.
Apparently, the strategy is that with the right amount of indoctrination, impressionable young Americans will grab the baton Obama hands them in the “relay race that is human progress” and use it to beat freedom-loving people into submission. Wait! Is Barry’s “relay race” in any way related to the “marathon” Obama housemate Valerie Jarrett mentioned in her March for Our Lives tweet?
Either way, it appears as if the Obama Foundation is to Barack what Capernaum was to Jesus: a base of operation to venture forth from in the quest to achieve a higher ministerial goal. For Jesus, the objective was to preach the Kingdom of God. For Obama, the aim is to raise an army of community organizers to follow in his footsteps ushering in dictatorial statism via the instigation of worldwide chaos.
Obama expressed it this way:
The single most important thing I can do is to help develop the next generation[.] … After I left office, what I realized is that the Obama Foundation could potentially create a platform for young, up-and-coming leaders, both in the United States and all around the world to come together, meet together, create a digital platform where they could exchange information.
If I could do that effectively, then I would create a hundred, or a thousand, or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas.
Sounding like the Creator, Obama once tweeted, “I’m asking you to believe. Not in my ability to create change – but in yours.”
Thus, what is becoming abundantly clear is that the Obama Foundation is neither a benign non-profit organization nor an all-inclusive institution to groom “young, up-and-coming leaders.” Instead, Obama.org is a refuge where professed messiah Barack and wife Michelle work to create a generation of subversive anarchists to help usher in the utopian religion of the progressive left.